1/21Observers congreate at the war memorial for the Pinegrove Anzac Day dawn service. Picture: Angelo Velardo
Photos: Pinegrove Anzac dawn service
Observers turned out in the hundreds for Anzac Day dawn service commemorations at Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury.
2/21War veterans and descenants march towards Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury for the start of the Anzac Day dawn service. Picture: Angelo Velardo
3/21War veterans and descenants march towards Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury for the start of the Anzac day dawn service. Picture: Angelo Velardo
4/21A member of the Blacktown 202 Army Cadet Unit bows his head for a minute’s silence during Pinegrove Memorial Park’s Anzac Day dawn service at Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
5/21Flag-bearers assemble at the beginning of the Anzac dawn service at Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
6/21The mood was solemn as the Last Post sounded at the Anzac Day dawn service at Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
7/21Descendant Korbin Jones, 5, holds a photo of his great-grandfather Thomas Jones at Pinegrove Memorial Park after the dawn service in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
8/21Observers gather at the war memorial at Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury for the Anzac Day dawn service. Picture: Angelo Velardo
9/21Rooty Hill RSL Sub Branch president Sean Plunkett makes the opening address at the Pinegrove Memorial Park dawn service in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
10/21A Blacktown 202 Army Cadet unit member stands to attention with a statute at the Anzac Day dawn service at Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
11/21A bugler sounds the Last Post during Anzac Day commemorations at Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
12/21Blacktown’s Ruth Jones with her late husband Thomas Jones’ World War II medals at Anzac Day commemorations at Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
13/21A Blacktown 202 Army Cadet Unit member reflects during the Anzac Day dawn service at Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
14/21Guest speaker federal Labor MP Ed Husic addresses Anzac Day dawn service attendees at Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
15/21Rooty Hill RSL Sub Branch president Sean Plunkett makes the opening address at the Pinegrove Memorial Park Anzac Day dawn service in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
16/21Blacktown’s Ruth Jones with her late husband Thomas Jones’ World War II medals at Anzac Day commemorations at Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury. She is pictured here with her son, Barry. Picture: Angelo Velardo
17/21A Blacktown 202 Army Cadet Unit member at Anzac Day commemorations at Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
18/21Rooty Hill RSL Sub Branch senior vice president Peter Hamrol with his Vietnam War medals after the Anzac Day dawn service at Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
19/21Rooty Hill RSL Sub Branch Secretary Alf Davey at the podium for the commemoration of the fallen at the Pinegrove Memorial Park Anzac Day dawn service in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
20/21Mt Druitt state Labor MP Edmond Atalla lays a wreath for the Anzac Day dawn service at Pinegrove Memorial Park in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo
21/21Wreaths adorn the war memorial at Pinegrove Memorial Park after the Anzac Day dawn service in Minchinbury. Picture: Angelo Velardo