
Backroom Baz: Adem Somyurek’s Twitter rants steal the IBAC show

Adem Somyurek’s tweets about the politics corruption inquiry become an IBAC sideshow and a lawyer’s nightmare.

Federal Labor MP Anthony Byrne admits to branch stacking

Unusually for IBAC hearings, or any sort of court hearing, there was nary a single dull moment in the three opening days of the corruption inquiry.

Federal MP Anthony Byrne kicked things off by throwing a grenade into the ALP, blowing his career up in the process.

Former staffer Elle Schreiber then took over telling the commission of being called a “f---ing idiot” by a venom-spitting Adem Somyurek.

She also described feeling like a “lamb being led to wolves” after Somyurek offered her the role with the CFMEU.

Colourful stuff.

But there is a sideshow going on that is almost as entertaining as the hearing itself.

And heaven help the lawyer who has to give advice to Somyurek.

The man just cannot help but live-tweet his response to claims made throughout proceedings.

In a moment of clarity, the factional war lord swore at one point that he wasn’t going to tweet throughout the process.

But this lasted about three hours and even continued on Thursday when the hearings weren’t running.

Somyurek said he had a “traumatic and sleepless night” after hearing evidence from former staffer Adam Sullivan.

The rest is too red hot to print, but rest assured it’s his lawyers who probably had difficulties getting to bed.

To follow the sideshow, best to jump on Twitter for yourself.

Baz’s lawyers say best to stand clear, and just let Adem do the talking.


Forget the misuse of taxpayer-funded staff, the real scandal that was revealed during IBAC hearings this week was one Labor group’s crime against music.

During the first day of proceedings, the popular Subcontinent Friends of Labor was mentioned as a backer of upper house MP Kaushaliya Vaghela and it was alleged Adem Somyurek had tried to court their support.

Those outside of Labor circles were quickly scrambling to find out as much information as possible on the group only to discover they had their own anthem.

The two-minute ditty has everything: bad lip syncing, Vaghela dancing, bizarre use of stock footage and a rousing chant of the acronym SC … FOL over and over again.

“Rise and shine. Now’s the time. To rouse our neighbour. To join with us for Labor.”

It’s a catchy chorus. Although it is unclear why you would want to rouse your neighbours?

Subcontinent friends of Labor


Another emerging sideshow is that of the Wiki wars that are unfolding online, as MPs’ Wikipedia pages are updated in real time to capture any allegations aired at IBAC.

Such is the enthusiasm to keep Wiki abreast of all things corruption, some poor MPs are being linked to things before they’re even aired at hearings.

Baz has seen some pages already that are currently fiction, but heaven help the MPs if they indeed become fact.


If ever there was a time for a “refresher course” on corruption, this would be it.

So Baz is excited to know if they will publish the attendees of a new webinar coming up at the end of the month between Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass, IBAC Commissioner Robert Redlich AM QC and Victorian Auditor-General Andrew Greaves.

The event promises to “outline how to maintain integrity in your organisation and avoid negative headlines”.

That would have been handy a few years ago!

Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass.
Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass.


It hardly matters anymore given fallen minister Luke Donnellan almost kissed his career goodbye after allegations of his involvement in branch stacking were aired this week.

Still, worth putting on the record a recent case of the bungles for the former minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers.

Representing Mental Health Minister, and deputy Premier James Merlino at the launch of National Mental Health month, Baz’s spies say Donnellan kept assuring his audience the final report from the royal commission was coming soon.

It appears the minister missed a significant memo – it was delivered in February. A truly hard week for Donnellan.

Maybe that’s why he was seen stocking up early Friday morning at the Spring Street Grocer. Got to have some treats after a week like that.

Donnellan at the Spring Street Grocer.
Donnellan at the Spring Street Grocer.


Adam Sullivan’s evidence was a bit about the human condition and Plato, but it was these comments from the former lowly staffer that summed up IBAC week one.

“It’s not as if we didn’t know that this was improper or inappropriate,” he said.

“We chose repeatedly to do the wrong thing.

Adam Sullivan being quizzed by IBAC.
Adam Sullivan being quizzed by IBAC.

“Ultimately, the choice was that we put our own interests, and our own loyalty, through a factional machine and a system of patronage above the interests of the public.

“As a former public servant there can be no greater failure.”

Bring on week two.


Which nervous Labor type was sending legal letters this week urging careful reporting in light of IBAC’s explosive hearings?

Originally published as Backroom Baz: Adem Somyurek’s Twitter rants steal the IBAC show

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