The Great Parent Survey 2025 – Aussie mums and dads have their say on the joys and challenges of raising kids
Mums and dads of Australia have had their say in the Great Parent Survey of 2025. Stay tuned for the fascinating results ...
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Aussie parents, be honest – after the school run, work, washing, cleaning, shopping, meals and all the other chaos of family life, how much time do you get to yourself each day to do the things you really enjoy?
News Corp Australia’s Great Australian Parent Survey 2025 is taking the pulse of mums and dads on the biggest challenges they face – from screen time to bullying, schooling, discipline and parental guilt.
Thanks to the thousands of mums and dads who took the survey – it has now closed and we’ll bring you the results soon
Among her tips, Olympic gold medallist swimmer Trickett warns parents against living their sporting dreams through their children, advising them to simply “let your children play”.
“There is no elite eight-year-old. It’s not a thing,” she said in reference to sports competitions.
“Let them try lots of things and let it be about them,” added Trickett, who is heavily pregnant with her fifth child.
“Your children are not on the sports fields to live out your sporting dreams, they’re there to make their own.”
Celebrity responses to our questions were dominated by parents worried about the impact of digital media, such as Better Homes and Gardens guru Charlie Albone raising concerns about “social media management, both how they treat others and get treated by others both online and in person”. editor and Mum Club podcast host Emily Blatchford agreed, saying “the biggest challenge facing parents at the moment is finding the balance”.
Parenting author and Good Enough Dad podcast host Maggie Dent said “technology and phones” have completely changed the landscape.
While parenting expert and co-host of Channel 9’s Parental Guidance Dr Justin Coulson believed the greatest challenge in 2025 was parents being confident about their decisions.
“It’s confidence and fear and trepidation in worrying that you are going to ruin your child and every decision is high stakes,” Dr Coulson says.
“Parents are reluctant to back themselves, feeling a need to get on to Instagram or TikTok or Google to ‘see what I should be doing here’.”
One of positives in the year ahead was high parental involvement, Dr Coulson said.
“Particularly on the part of fathers, we are seeing more dads not just available but involved …. that’s great for that child being healthy, happy and resilient.”
There were also fierce concerns about how safe the world will be for our children, best-selling author Fiona McIntosh saying her hope that “our boys will never have to face war” keeps her awake at night.
“I write a lot of war stories and remain amazed after all my research that we didn’t learn as a species after World War I. That World War II ever occurred is beyond shocking,” said Ms McIntosh, whose twin sons are now aged 33.
“And I’m terrified that my sons and their children might face history repeating itself.”
Channel 7 sport presenter Emma Freedman wished the world could return to a simpler life without social media and iPads for her two children as they grow up.
“We live in such a fast-paced digital age, and I worry about how this will affect their childhood and development,” she said.
“From the pressures of social media to the addictive nature of screens and iPads, it feels like they’re growing up in a world that’s so different from the simpler one we knew.”
As for the best thing about being a parent in 2025? Ms Blatchford welcomes a resurgence in community post-Covid that she describes as being a great movement to embrace.
“The age-old saying ‘it takes a village’ really seems to be resonating more than ever at the moment and I think it’s such a healthy and fun environment for our kids,” she said.
Libby Trickett, champion swimmer
Libby Trickett is a four-time Olympic gold medallist who is soon to be a mum of five. She and husband Luke have Poppy, 9, Edwina, 6, Bronte, 5, and Alfred, 1. She also has a podcast called Play On.
What is the biggest challenge facing you as a parent in the year ahead?
Without a doubt, managing 4 (soon to be 5) children aged 9 and under, with a husband who works interstate. GOOD LORD. Send coffee.
What do you think will be the biggest challenge facing your children in the years ahead?
Constantly being compared to their high-achieving parents and people assuming they’ll be swimmers. I mean, we would LOVE them to be swimmers, but more importantly, we would love them to find the joy of sport, whatever it may be. That and the fact that they won’t be getting a mobile phone until they’re 35.
Can you share some parenting advice?
There is no elite eight-year-old. It’s not a thing. When it comes to sport – let your children play, let them try lots of things and let it be about them. Your children are not on the sports fields to live out your sporting dreams, they’re there to make their own.
Cheryl Denyer, media personality
Cheryl ‘Chezzi’ Denyer is an executive producer, award-winning podcast host and presenter of Mummy Time TV, she is married to game show host Grant Denyer. The couple has three daughters – Sailor, 13, Scout, 9 and Sunday, 3.
What is the biggest challenge facing you as a parent in the year ahead?
I want to model self-worth and positivity consistently, and have become acutely aware of modelling the behaviour I want to see flourish in my girls when it comes to self-acceptance and body confidence. For many years I felt like I couldn’t enjoy life with my girls because I was embarrassed about not having a perfect body in a swimsuit … then it dawned on me that my girls would grow up believing this was normal.
How much life do we miss out on when we only focus on looks? So I changed my behaviour and began to model body confidence, focusing on the activity and spending quality time with my girls. Wear it loud and proud and live life to the full is my new mantra. I want my girl to embody this self confidence and that means I need to show them how.
If you could give your children anything in the world, what would it be?
Three small loud children each, that fight and yell and complain “I’m bored” as they follow them to the toilet … so they each know what it’s like to be me! Just kidding. I would give them the absolute knowledge that they are enough just as they are. The confidence to be themselves, as unique and perfect as they are without the need to mask their quirks or pretend to fit in. I would give them a profound sense of purpose.
Can you share some parenting advice?
There is no such thing as balance. Balance or striving for balance will only exhaust you unnecessarily. Some days will be hard, some weeks will feel impossible and some years you will wonder how the hell you survived.
But if you always try to act with kindness and love in your heart, if you always strive to make tomorrow better then today, if you appreciate yourself and resist the urge to criticise yourself when things get tough ... you might just survive this parenting journey! Laughter is very good medicine.
Charlie Albone, TV gardening expert
Charlie Albone is a the gardening guru on Better Homes and Gardens and has sons Leo and Hartford with his wife, home stylist and fellow television presenter Juliet Love.
If you could give your children anything in the world, what would it be?
Good health.
What do you think will be the biggest challenge facing your children in the years ahead?
Social media management, both how they treat others and get treated by others, both online and in person.
What are the top three things you are best at when it comes to parenting?
Letting our children know they are loved, spending time together as a family unit and having fun with our children.
Can you share some parenting advice?
Explain your actions to your children so they understand why you do what you do, both good and bad.
Phil Burton, Human Nature singer
Human Nature’s Phil Burton and wife Justine have two teenagers, daughter Willow and son Xavier.
If you could give your children anything in the world, what would it be?
The confidence to strive to be whatever they want, but the wisdom to know that not achieving literally everything you ever dreamed of is NOT failing.
What is the biggest challenge facing you as a parent in the year ahead?
My daughter has her L-plates. Nuff said ...
What do you think will be the biggest challenge facing your children in the years ahead?
I think the biggest challenge for kids will be communication with each other and the rest of the world. Social media has been anything but social, so our kids will have to work hard to stop the world becoming a place full of tiny little one-person sized “bubbles”.
Can you share some parenting advice?
STAY POSITIVE! Show your kids a positive attitude even when things are going wrong, and it will rub off on them. They’re like little sponges, so whatever way you react to situations will be exactly the same for them as they grow.
Fiona McIntosh, best-selling author
Fantasy author Fiona McIntosh has 33-year-old twin sons – Will, a neuropsychologist, and Jack, a lawyer.
What is the biggest challenge facing parents in the year ahead?
Helping to raise our children’s children. I don’t think it’s ever been more important than now to have the support of your parents in raising your children. Daycare is hellishly expensive and hardly a first choice for anyone. To have your children being cared for by your own parents who are wholly invested in them and love them without reservation is a true gift we can give our boys.
And it is a sacrifice in some ways … at this end of our lives, having worked hard to get to where we are and finally able to start travelling or being a bit selfish, it’s almost comical that you set that dream aside and get knee-deep in raising an infant again.
What keeps you awake at night as a parent?
That our boys will never have to face war. I won’t say they’ve grown up in a peaceful world but they’ve had the luxury of being born into a peaceful, prosperous, easy to live in country. I know they’re privileged to be Australians.
I write a lot of war stories and remain amazed after all my research that we didn’t learn as a species after World War I. And I’m terrified that my sons and their children might face history repeating itself.
Emma Freedman, TV presenter
Channel 7 sport presenter Emma Freedman has two children, four-year-old Edie and five-year-old William, with her husband, Charlie Rundle.
What do you think will be the biggest challenge facing your children in the years ahead?
We live in such a fast-paced digital age, and I worry about how this will affect their childhood and development. From the pressures of social media to the addictive nature of screens and iPads, it feels like they’re growing up in a world that’s so different from the simpler one we knew. Balancing the benefits of technology with protecting their mental health and teaching them to connect with the real world will be an ongoing challenge. I wish we could all go back to the simple life before social media and iPads!
If you could give your children anything in the world, what would it be?
Most importantly I would give them great health and kindness at their core – treating others with respect, empathy, and understanding. I’d also love for them to find a true passion in life – something that excites and drives them, whether that’s a hobby, career, or dream that makes them feel fulfilled and gives them purpose.
What keeps you awake at night as a parent?
I think there is always an innate worry for their future, their happiness, whether it is warranted or not. Are they going to be confident, resilient, and kind? Are they going to feel supported and loved no matter what?
Mark Ferguson, TV newsreader
Mark Ferguson is Seven News’ Sydney newsreader, and previously worked at Nine News.
He has three adult sons, Jack, Ted and Paddy, with wife Jayne Ferguson.
If you could give your children anything in the world, what would it be?
Health, happiness and confidence.
What is the biggest challenge facing you as a parent in the year ahead?
Helping them stay on track as they set out on their working life journey.
What do you think will be the biggest challenge facing your children in the years ahead?
Finding a work-life balance they are proud of.
What are the top three things you are best at when it comes to parenting?
Listening, laughing and loaning cash ... but they might disagree!
What keeps you awake at night as a parent?
They are now bigger, stronger – and much better at golf.
Angie Asimus, TV presenter
Angie Asimus is a newsreader and weather presenter with Seven News in Sydney. She has two young children – son Austin, 4, and daughter Scarlett – with husband Chris Abbott.
If you could give your children anything in the world, what would it be?
Resilience. I’d love for them never to have to feel pain or disappointment, but I know they will inevitably face challenges. To teach them the skills to navigate through life’s ups and downs is the ultimate goal. I just want them to find happiness and joy in their lives, no matter what issues they face.
What is the biggest challenge facing you as a parent in the year ahead?
My goal for the year is to spend one-on-one time with each of my children. Having one close to age 5, and the other who has just turned 2, we spend a lot of time all together, but I would love to be present for each of them for a special weekly activity.
What do you think will be the biggest challenge facing your children in the years ahead?
I’m nervous about the pressure to introduce phones, gaming and social media at such a young age. It’s so hard when it seems to be such an important aspect in their socialisation but I’m definitely leaning towards a leaner approach to this. I’m sure there will be hard conversations, but I’m really hoping they can trust me on this!
What are the top three things you are best at when it comes to parenting?
It constantly amazes me how in any profession, you can learn the skills and become an expert. I’m a mother every single day and still don’t feel like I’m the best at any of it! I think that’s because it’s nuanced – every day you’re a dietitian, strategist, event planner, taxi, counsellor, and negotiator. Plus, when on Mondays we like broccoli but on Tuesdays we don’t – there aren’t many jobs where the goalposts are so fluid!
Can you share some parenting advice?
Something I have found helpful is to embrace the smaller moments in the day that lead up to the big ones. So, if you are heading out to have a great time at a birthday party, it’s easy to get frustrated just getting out the door. But the reality is, you’re at the party for an hour or two, the rest of the day is the breakfast, the teeth cleaning, getting dressed, and playing games in between each step. The little moments are life, so I make space in my day for them.
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Originally published as The Great Parent Survey 2025 – Aussie mums and dads have their say on the joys and challenges of raising kids