
Private school addresses parents after shocking alleged cancer scam deception exposed

A western suburbs school has reached out to its community with a letter offering support to parents following allegations of a cancer scam. Read the letter here.

Adelaide couple charged over $60,000 fake cancer scam

The school, attended by a student whose parents allegedly took $60,000 off their community in a cancer scam, has offered counselling services to students and parents affected by the incident.

Police have alleged that Michelle Bodzsar and Ben Miller lied about their young son having cancer taking tens of thousands of dollars in donations from friends and family for his treatment.

The couple have been accused of shaving their son’s hair and eyebrows, placing him in a wheelchair and wrapping bandages around his head to imitate the effects of radiotherapy.

Ms Bodzsar and Mr Miller, both aged 44, have been charged with committing an act likely to cause harm and deception offences, and faced Port Adelaide Magistrates Court on Friday.

Michelle Bodzsar and Ben Miller. Picture: Facebook
Michelle Bodzsar and Ben Miller. Picture: Facebook

On Tuesday, a letter addressed to parents and caregivers was circulated by the school offering “support” to those who have been unsettled by the “recent incident”.

“We would like to offer support to parents who may find themselves navigating difficult conversations with their children,” the letter, signed by senior leadership at the school said.

“Our school counsellor … will be available over the next couple of days to meet with parents and provide guidance on how to approach these discussions in an age-appropriate way.”

The letter continues on to provide available appointment times as well as a link to Kids Helpline.

It also thanks the school community for their “ongoing strength and compassion” and encourages members to “take care” while knowing there is support available to them.

The parents allegedly faked their six-year-old son’s cancer diagnoses to raise $60,000. Picture: Facebook
The parents allegedly faked their six-year-old son’s cancer diagnoses to raise $60,000. Picture: Facebook
Letter from the School offering support to parents and children impacted by alleged cancer scam. Picture: Supplied
Letter from the School offering support to parents and children impacted by alleged cancer scam. Picture: Supplied

An earlier letter, sent by the school on Friday alerted parents to leadership’s awareness of the “incident” and ensured that the school are “working closely with SAPOL and those directly impacted by the situation”.

The Advertiser spoke with a fellow parent at the school, who said they had “donated a significant amount” to Ms Bodzsar and Mr Miller’s fundraiser.

“My kids just said they have to look after him when he comes back,” the parent, who wished to remain anonymous said.

“I feel sorry for the teachers who heard from the parents.

“Everyone is just really shocked.

“It’s just messed up.”

Originally published as Private school addresses parents after shocking alleged cancer scam deception exposed

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