
Tim Blair: Hamas is OnlyFans for people who prefer murder instead of porn

It isn’t every day that a gay marriage follows one of the partners donating $6 million of your money to the UN’s Relief and Works Agency – and therefore to viciously anti-gay Hamas, routine beneficiaries of UNRWA funding.

Teals are ‘no friends of Israel’ after push to reinstate UNRWA funding

Even by modern standards, Senator Penny Wong’s weekend wedding to longtime partner Sophie Allouache was a noteworthy event.

It isn’t every day that a gay marriage follows one of the partners donating $6 million of your money to the UN’s Relief and Works Agency – and therefore to viciously anti-gay Hamas, routine beneficiaries of UNRWA funding.

Hamas, of course, was responsible for the animalistic rape, slaughter and abduction atrocities committed against Israel on October 7.

Or “happy justified resistance day”, as many in our degenerate governments, councils, universities and media prefer to remember it.

Before Labor last week returned to its anti-Israel factory settings, the Albanese government had put a stop to our UNRWA payments following revelations about the activities of certain UNRWA personnel.

When you’re handing millions of Australian taxpayer dollars to this guy you can be pretty sure what he’s going to do with it. Let’s just say that buying strawberries won’t be at the top of his list. Image: ChatGPT
When you’re handing millions of Australian taxpayer dollars to this guy you can be pretty sure what he’s going to do with it. Let’s just say that buying strawberries won’t be at the top of his list. Image: ChatGPT

It emerged in January that besides co-ordinating funding to Hamas – concealed as Palestinian refugee support – the UNRWA involved itself on October 7 in a rather more direct manner.

As The Wall Street Journal reported following UN admissions: “Six United Nations Relief and Works Agency workers were part of the wave of Palestinian militants who killed 1200 people in the deadliest assault on Jews since the Holocaust …

“Two helped kidnap Israelis. Two others were tracked to sites where scores of Israeli civilians were shot and killed. Others co-ordinated logistics for the assault, including procuring weapons.”

Additionally, of the 12 UNRWA staffers linked to the attacks, “seven were primary or secondary school teachers, including two maths teachers, two Arabic language teachers and one primary school teacher”.

At which point it became clear why so many Hamas weapons stockpiles had previously been discovered hidden in UNRWA schools.

Anyway, Australia joined the international funding pause – until last Friday when Foreign Minister Wong announced an “unpausing” (her word).

Wong’s announcement made clear she’d been given various assurances.

“The best available current advice from agencies and the Australian government lawyers,” Wong declared, “is that UNRWA is not a terrorist organisation.”

Liberal Senator James Paterson’s witheringly dry response, delivered on Sunday’s Insiders: “That’s not exactly a high bar.”

Tim Blair.
Tim Blair.

It really isn’t, but declining to offer a formal declaration of one’s terrorist inclinations is obviously good enough for our current government despite the UNRWA’s obvious terrorist sympathies.

Well, let’s be kind. Perhaps the UNRWA is only terrorism adjacent. As in separated by the width of a Gaza tunnel wall, with Jewish civilians held captive on either side.

Further from Wong’s Friday announcement: “The Australian government will work with UNRWA on an ongoing basis to ensure its integrity and neutrality are beyond reproach.”

Seriously? Just a couple of months after the UN’s Palestinian refugee gang was busted for joining in on October 7’s murder, kidnapping, torture and sexual savagery spree, we’re already right back to talking about the same mob’s “integrity and neutrality”?

We’re actually using the phrase “beyond reproach” to discuss a crew that employed sadistic butchers.

Worst of all, we’re “unpausing” – which means Australia is again in the swamp with any number of Hamas supporters worldwide, be they direct contributors or otherwise.

Hamas is OnlyFans for people who prefer paying for murder instead of pornography.

“After consideration by the national security committee this week,” Wong said, “Australia is unpausing our contribution to UNRWA …

“The decision I am announcing today is the result of the Australian government working together with our partners to rebuild confidence, to establish ongoing diligence about the use of aid money generously given by the Australian people.”

All of that is garbage, especially the line about our taxes being supplied “generously”.

Many Australians will instead agree with Paterson’s words on Sunday: “I have no confidence that UNRWA has reformed itself, particularly because our closest allies, like the United States and the United Kingdom, have not restarted their aid.”

Many Australians, too, would have supported Wong if she’d publicly offered to provide millions in our taxes via the UNRWA, but only if the UNRWA combined with Hamas to free remaining Jewish prisoners.

Releasing those captives should be a prerequisite for humanitarian aid.

Then Israel and her allies can get on with their primary and overriding mission: the absolute obliteration of Hamas, hater of Israel and destroyer of Gaza and the West Bank.

Tim Blair
Tim BlairJournalist

Read the latest Tim Blair blog. Tim is a columnist and blogger for the Daily Telegraph.

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