
More than two million cars on Australian roads not covered by comprehensive insurance

STEWART Robinson was driving his partner Natasha Hogan’s car when a woman in a rental car crashed into them. Even though they were not at fault, Ms Hogan did not have comprehensive insurance on her $14,000 vehicle — so she lost everything.

Stewart Robinson and partner Natasha Hogan with her written-off Suzuki Swift. Picture: Craig Greenhill
Stewart Robinson and partner Natasha Hogan with her written-off Suzuki Swift. Picture: Craig Greenhill

MORE than 600,000 cars on NSW roads are not covered by comprehensive insurance, leaving their owners exposed to calamities such as the one this couple is in.

Stewart Robinson was stopped at an intersection in Mascot while driving his partner Natasha Hogan to work in her car when it was hit from behind by a rental.

Details were exchanged by taking photographs of each other’s driver’s licence.

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Ms Hogan did not have comprehensive insurance on her $14,000 vehicle, which was a write-off.

She put in a claim against Bayswater Car Rental’s insurance as the hirer was at fault in the accident.

But Bayswater said the hirer had not proved she had points left on her licence and hence wasn’t covered.

“I’ve messaged the driver asking her if she will do what is needed and I just received abusive messages back from her,” Ms Hogan said.

The rental car driver’s driver's licence. Her identity cannot be revealed for legal reasons.
The rental car driver’s driver's licence. Her identity cannot be revealed for legal reasons.

What’s more, the hirer appears to have used the photo of Mr Robinson’s licence she obtained at the scene to hire from another company, CarNet Rentals.

And that vehicle has been caught speeding on three occasions with the blame put on Mr Robinson.

He has had to complete statutory declarations to say he was not the driver after receiving three penalty infringement notices from the State Debt Recovery Office.

And when CarNet got the vehicle back, it was damaged.

The couple said they feel rental-car companies should have access to official records so vehicles were only hired to drivers with valid licences.

Speed camera image of the vehicle falsely rented in the name of Stewart Robinson.
Speed camera image of the vehicle falsely rented in the name of Stewart Robinson.

But this is unlikely to happen due to privacy constraints.

Three legal experts said Ms Hogan should take action against both the rental car driver and Bayswater.

While the case against the driver would be easier to win, she may not have the ability to pay the entire amount straight away, they said.

And, while Bayswater claims to be indemnified, “there is no vehicle hired that does not have insurance included as part of the hiring fee”, Brydens Lawyers principal Lee Hagipantelis said.

“The only variable will be the excess applicable to the individual hirer,” Hagipantelis said.

“The suggestion by Bayswater that it has no exposure would not be correct. It has, by virtue of payment of a hiring fee, subrogated the obligations and liabilities of the driver.

“Accordingly, Ms Hogan should insist on Bayswater putting the matter in the hands of its insurer.”

However, Bayswater director Arnold Kluck said “our position is that excess is not the only variable”.

“Conditions need to be met.”


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A renter had to be under the alcohol limit, have a valid licence and not have given the keys to an unauthorised driver, Mr Kluck said.

Lionheart Lawyers director Majed Issa said the couple should report the matter to the police.

“It’s fraud,” Mr Issa said.

Insurance Council of Australia data shows 12 per cent of the 18 million vehicles on Australia’s roads do not have comprehensive cover.

That’s just over two million vehicles.

Of these, 630,000 are in NSW.

In 2016, about 500,000 NSW drivers had their licence suspended or cancelled for non-medical reasons.


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