
Legal action over Chris Harding sacking

AN internal war at one of the state’s most complained about businesses has triggered legal action over the sacking of its Australian-based director.

Chris Harding, former director of Digital Skies, which owned Android Enjoyed. Picture: Facebook
Chris Harding, former director of Digital Skies, which owned Android Enjoyed. Picture: Facebook

An internal war at one of the state’s most complained about businesses has triggered legal action over the sacking of its Australian-based director.

Phone, PC and gadget retailer Android Enjoyed, which topped NSW Fair Trading’s new name-and-shame list in September, ­recently axed Sydney-based boss Chris Harding, who had been running things from a house in Granville.

On paper it looked like he was doing a good job.

With alluringly low prices, and two related sites increased sales 600 per cent in the past financial year to $80 million.

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But many did not end up receiving anything from the warehouse in Hong Kong or, if they did, it was often not what they ordered.

Nearly half of Android ­Enjoyed’s 1771 customer evaluations on are “terrible” — the lowest possible mark.

Aggrieved customers are now being asked to believe Mr Harding was solely ­responsible for this, which he strongly denies.

More on that in a ­moment.

In September Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe issued an official public warning about Android ­Enjoyed’s then owner, Digital Skies Group.

The warning dented sales and caused marketing partners to cut ties.

Digital Marketing and Solutions director Yuen Ho Wong.
Digital Marketing and Solutions director Yuen Ho Wong.

Hong Kong-based director and shareholder Yuen Wong flew to Australia and, with Mr Harding, met Fair Trading investigators. But Mr Harding was ousted soon after.

He lost his directorship of Digital Skies and Android Enjoyed was transferred to a new company, Digital Marketing and Solutions.

Mr Wong said that prior to this he hadn’t been able to provide refunds because Mr Harding had controlled And-roid Enjoyed’s bank account. He claimed Mr Harding had not resolved “a lot” of complaints. Mr Harding said: “I reject any assertion I was the  direct or indirect cause of any difficulties Digital Skies Group may be experiencing. As I am involved in legal proceedings … regarding the termination of my employment … it would be inappropriate for me to make any further comment.”

Meanwhile, Fair Trading is finalising the terms of a legal undertaking it will ­impose on Digital Marketing and Solutions. Android Enjoyed’s terms and conditions are being rewritten because they didn’t comply with Australian consumer law. Complaints will soon be handled in Melbourne, not Manila.

Last Thursday Mr Wong told Public Defender complaint levels would fall.

The next day Fair Trading’s name-and-shame register list for October was released, with Android Enjoyed generating 14 official complaints, down from 31 in September.


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