
Piers Akerman: We must destroy all jihadis, without mercy

KAI Hao, who was murdered by Islamist terrorist Yacqub Khayre in Melbourne must not be forgotten. His murderer was a murderous parasite.

Nick Hao, 36, was killed in terror attack in Brighton, Melbourne. Picture: Seven News
Nick Hao, 36, was killed in terror attack in Brighton, Melbourne. Picture: Seven News

KAI (Nick) Hao, the newly married 36-year-old who was murdered by Islamist terrorist Yacqub Khayre in the foyer of an apartment complex in Melbourne last Monday afternoon, must not be forgotten.

He may not have been as photogenic as the young Australian women murdered days earlier in London but the young father was adapting to our culture, obeying our laws, and working to make a life for his family in his new country.

His murderer, a Somalian refugee, a violent serial offen­der, was undoubtedly an abhorrent murderous parasite who had embraced the Islam­ist death cult.

Nick Hao, 36, was killed by Yacqub Khayre in Brighton, Melbourne. Picture: Seven News
Nick Hao, 36, was killed by Yacqub Khayre in Brighton, Melbourne. Picture: Seven News

Yet the Islamic Council of Victoria equivocated, saying that while there was “debate about this individual’s motives for this callous and evil crime, what is clear is that (Yacqub) Khayre had a long criminal ­record, had served jail time for violent offences, and was in fact on parole at the time of the incident”.

He “appeared to be confused as to who he was acting on behalf, claiming allegiance to both ISIS and al-Qaeda, known enemies”.

But not so confused that he didn’t forget to pledge allegiance to the Islamist cause in whichever guise it appears.

There is fault at every level of government for this latest atrocity — nothing new there.

It was Malcolm Fraser’s Liberal government that mistakenly opened the doors to ­illiterate Lebanese Muslims in 1976, many of whom who remain isolated from the general population and it was Bob Hawke’s Labor government that permitted the nauseating Sheik Taj El-Din Hilaly to remain in Australia a decade later despite a raft of warnings.

Yacqub Khayre was a “murderous parasite who had embraced the Islam­ist death cult”, Piers Akerman writes.
Yacqub Khayre was a “murderous parasite who had embraced the Islam­ist death cult”, Piers Akerman writes.

Let’s not hear about the virtues of multiculturalism when parts of Sydney remain Islamic ghettos, when Islamic schools teach from the Koran and not from the state curriculum, when police commanders show more concern for mythical backlashes against the Muslim community than they do for hostages held in the Lindt cafe.

Islam is and remains a protected species in Australia as the treatment of the RAN Captain Mona Shindy highlights.

In a recent letter to Defence Minister Marise Payne, Queensland One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts reiterated concerns he had raised earlier in Senate Estimates about Captain Shindy in her former role as the RAN’s “Strategic Advisor on Islamic Cultural Affairs”.

Captain Shindy, you may recall, used an official navy Twitter account to mock remarks former prime minister Tony Abbott had made on Islamist terrorism, tweeting: “Wait. Did our new PM just give a speech and not mention boats, death cult, security, death cult, terrorism, national security and death cult?”

In his letter, Senator Roberts also reminded the minister that Captain Shindy had also officially re-Tweeted anti-Western comments by the “Muslim terrorist apologist Grand Mufti Ibrahim Abu Mohamed (sic) claiming that racism and Islamophobia were partly to blame for the Paris terrorist attacks.”

He referred to an article the captain had written for the United Services Institute in 2015 in which she stated “Jihad is armed struggle in the way of God … armed jihad is defence against aggression and oppression”.

The clear implication appeared to be that the IS jihad against the West was “simply defence against aggression and oppression” and that Captain Shindy apparently regarded the ADF’s battle against IS as an act of “aggression and oppression”.

One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts. Picture: AAP Image/Lukas Coch
One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts. Picture: AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Senator Roberts said no action was taken against Captain Shindy by either then chief of navy Ray Griggs or then vice chief of the Defence Force Tim Barrett, other than the closing of the Navy’s Twitter account.

He formally requested the matters of Captain Shindy, the Chief of Navy and the Vice Chief of the Defence Force be referred to the Inspector General of the ADF for investigation and, if appropriate, prosecution.

He contrasted this seemingly “blind-eye-to-the-telescope” approach of the naval and defence leadership to the treatment of Major Bernard Gaynor, who was scapegoated and cashiered for privately questioning the ADF’s participation in the highly political Mardi Gras.

Vice Admiral Griggs appointed Captain Shindy to her former role when he was Chief of Navy. He also had an adviser on Aboriginal affairs and LGBTQIX.

He said there were approximately 600,000 Muslims in Australia and about 100 in the ADF.

Vice Admiral Barrett who also appeared in Senate Estimates month was unable to answer questions about Captain Shindy’s offensive tweets. He did however say he had spoken to her about her former role as cultural adviser and “agreed” with her that the debates were not appropriate “at the time”.

“I still support Captain Shindy in the role she had as the Islamic adviser at the time,” he said.

Labor’s Senator Kim Carr congratulated the navy on its diversity program.

These so-called leaders are missing the basics. Our security services aren’t permitted to conduct profiling at our airports, our courts do frequently grant bail to people who are obvious security risks, the ABC and other left media slam as Islamophobic those who have the wit to join the dots.

The US Secretary of Defence, James Mattis, said after the Manchester bombing that the US had changed its policy towards IS from one of “attrition” to one of “annihilation”.

In Australia, Defence Minister Marise Payne ignores the sanctions applied to Captain Shindy and the demoralising tweets she posted in her official capacity and conducts a witch hunt resulting in the sacking of Major Gaynor.

This is a war we won’t win unless we adopt annihilation, not accommodation, as our policy towards Islamist terrorists and those who find excuses for jihadis.

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