
Piers Akerman: Hypocrisy is the winner in the same sex marriage debate

THE homosexual marriage debate has descended into the farcical. The proponents of homosexual marriage must think the Australian public have very short memories, Piers Akerman writes.

Participants at the Gay Pride parade in London. Picture: iStock
Participants at the Gay Pride parade in London. Picture: iStock

THE homosexual marriage debate has descended into the farcical. As it was always bound to.

The proponents of homosexual marriage must think the Australian public have very short memories.

Why otherwise would their spokesmen and spokeswomen stand earnestly before the cameras and attempt to assure voters that discarding the traditional and almost universally accepted definition of marriage would have few, if any consequences for the wider population?

Such claims fly in the face of the international evidence daily mounting from Western nations which have fallen for this faddish folly.

Education Minister Simon Birmingham would have been wiser to say nothing last week than to arrogantly assert that the notion that a Yes vote on homosexual marriage would lead to a Safe Schools-style degeneration of education was “patently ridiculous”.

Participants at the Gay Pride parade in London. Picture: iStock
Participants at the Gay Pride parade in London. Picture: iStock

As Mark Powell, writing on The Spectator’s website, reminded us the lesbian political activist Marsha Gessen told the 2012 Sydney Writers Festival: “Fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there. Because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change. And that is a lie.”

In Canada, Ireland, the US and the UK, harsh laws have been enacted to restrict the freedom of speech for those who believe that marriage is naturally the union of a man and a woman and schools that have refused to adopt the Marxist agenda of gender fluidity or no-gender at all have suffered.

Safe Schools, the Marxist-inspired agenda to destroy the Western structure of government, is still being ramped up by ideologues embedded in the Australian education system and has gained new vigour in those countries that have accepted the trashing of traditional marriage.

As the avowed Marxist education manipulator Roz Ward infamously boasted to a Marxist conference in Melbourne entitled The Role Of The Left In The Struggle For LGBTI Rights, a Marxist sexual revolution is necessary “to smooth the operation of capitalism the ruling class has benefited … from oppressing our bodies, our relationships, sexuality and gender identities alongside sexism, homophobia and transphobia (which) serve to break the spirits of ordinary people (and make us) feel like we should live in small social units and families where we must reproduce and take responsibility for people in those units”.

Why, given the very public history of the homosexual lobby’s activists in Australia would Senator Birmingham or others pushing the Yes vote think things would be different here?

While there are well-meaning and earnest individuals talking about love and equality in support of their cause, neither love or equality have ever been a major feature of Sydney’s annual homosexual spectacle, which has been more about the antics of bare-buttocked young males cavorting in bondage apparel, troupes of homosexuals clad in religious robes contemptuous of sacred orders and squadrons of chunky lesbians astride loud motorbikes.

Mocking the garb of nuns (just half a block away at St Vincent’s, one of the country’s greatest hospitals, founded by the Little Sisters of Mercy) derides the outward symbol of the chastity that makes a nun a nun. If the sex life of homosexuals is a no-go area for discussion, why are nuns fair game for the sneering clique? Might it not be hurtful for the nuns to see images designed to humiliate and denigrate them? But who cares, they’re soft targets for the elites.

The Mardi Gras is marketed as family entertainment. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his wife Lucy and scads of other political figures make well-publicised appearances to show their support for this allegedly victimised minority.

The “homosexual marriage debate has descended into the farcical”, Piers Akerman writes.
The “homosexual marriage debate has descended into the farcical”, Piers Akerman writes.

While there are certainly some homosexual couples who believe they would in some way benefit if their already legally sanctified equal union was endowed with the title marriage, there appear to be as many if not more members of that community who still boast of their promiscuous anonymous couplings just as they did when the Mardi Gras festivities terminated in an annual orgy in the animal pens at the former Royal Showground.

Dr Kerryn Phelps, fronting an advertisement for the Yes campaign says the “only young people affected by marriage equality are young gay people who for the first time will have the same dignity as everyone else in our country and they deserve that”.

Would that be those young gay men with collars around their necks being led on leashes in the parade, or perhaps those who were encouraged to have sex with older men on the Safe Schools website links? That’s love, respect and dignity.

Senator Birmingham’s claim that should the Yes vote prevail there will be no further degradation of our culture demonstrates an extraordinary naivete.

“People should go out and think about the show of love, respect and tolerance that can come from a yes vote, and I certainly urge people to vote yes to show that love, respect and tolerance for their fellow Australians,” he said.

When homosexuality was decriminalised and the so-called love that dare not speak its name was freed of its legal shackles it didn’t morph into some same sex version of suburban romantic bliss, it romped down the high street (or at least Oxford Street) semi-naked, often drugged and almost always shrieking.

Urging people to show love, respect and tolerance for a group of people whose annual showcase contribution to Australian society is a display of contempt for those who devote their lives to the sick, who show disrespect for the traditional family and almost every faith (except interestingly Buddhism whose most internationally recognised leader, the Dalai Lama, is firmly opposed to homosexual acts), and displays a screaming intolerance of normalcy, flies in the face of reality.

Perhaps some of those sanctimoniously demanding civility now might be asked why they did not point out the disrespect shown to so many over the years the Mardi Gras has been running. In civil society graciousness runs both ways.

That is the Australian way.

In the case of marriage, mainstream Australians who honour tradition and religion should now be shown some respect.

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