
Piers Akerman: Anthony Albanese the worst choice to lead Australia

With the world economy in turmoil, Anthony Albanese is without doubt the worst possible choice to lead Australia at this time, Piers Akerman writes.

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We get the government we deserve, so the saying goes, but a likely narrow victory for a Labor party led by Anthony Albanese, an inexperienced and policy ignorant Opposition leader who has never held a significant portfolio doesn’t say a lot for our collective intelligence.

There are always miracles but Scott Morrison’s 2019 victory may have exhausted his quota.

That Labor will likely have to horse trade with the Greens or the so-called “teal” independents is doubly alarming.

Remember the disastrous marriage between Julia Gillard’s ALP and independents Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor – both of whom betrayed their conservative electorates and handed power to Labor?

How bad was that?

We know what the Greens and teals want – to shut down Australia’s coal-fired power supply and end all activity that relies on fossil fuel and that includes petrol and diesel.

Park that car now or truck now.

The hypocrisy is breathtaking. Most of our medicines are derived from refining fossils.

Anthony Albanese is the “least impressive Labor leader in living memory”, Piers Akerman writes. Picture: Lisa Maree Williams/Getty
Anthony Albanese is the “least impressive Labor leader in living memory”, Piers Akerman writes. Picture: Lisa Maree Williams/Getty

Empty the bathroom cabinet of painkillers and a myriad of other necessary drugs.

Look forward to identity politics becoming the norm, more genders than there are colours in the rainbow and as for Aboriginal affairs, there will be pressure to have treaties with other recently memory-recovered Aboriginal family across the country, no matter how vague or how small the possible connection to an Aboriginal forbear may be.

With the world economy in turmoil, autocratic governments in Russia and China on the move, Albanese is without doubt the worst possible choice to lead Australia at this time but having to trade with Simon Holmes a Court’s candidates or Adam Bandt’s Greens will only weaken the nation.

Between Albanese and the teals the underpinnings of the economy will be destroyed, electricity prices rise, and none of the domestic issues resolved.

The nation’s credit rating will plummet as unemployment soars.

The least impressive Labor leader in living memory will ensure Australia is in for a very rough ride over the next three years.

From the beginning of the official election campaign on May 10 when he showed he didn’t have a clue about the employment rate, to the very end when he ran from a press conference, he demonstrated his lack of ability.

The ABC, which ran its usual anti-conservative line against the Coalition will become even more unbearable

On the big issues, the Coalition was fact-based, the Opposition was fanciful but nowhere nearly as much as the Greens and Holmes a Court’s housewives.

Scott Morrison’s ability to rattle off economic statistics was actually seen as a flaw by many voters, according to focus groups, not an indication that he was across the detail.

The criticism of his clear understanding of the numbers and huge achievements, not least in bringing down the unemployment rate to less than 4 per cent for the first time in 48 years, shows how game show personality politics trumped policy.

Albanese, on the other hand, appeared as ignorant about the economic basics as he was about border control and every other issue he was quizzed on and unfortunately, both major parties cravenly capitulated to wokeism on most issues.

Intermittent renewable energy sources cannot the power the nation but they make electricity unaffordable for many except their most ardent fans, such as Atlassian billionaire Michael Cannon-Brookes and mining billionaire Andrew Forrest, multi-millionaire Holmes a Court and the bitter former PM Malcolm Turnbull.

There is a dramatic divide between aspirational older Australians who look for opportunity and those who parade their sense of entitlement look for handouts.

The Liberals lost support in the wokest electorates members while Labor candidates who ignored the siren song of the Left did better than those who went woke.

Given the belligerent attitude of China toward Australia, its outrageous demands and its attacks on the economy let alone its coercion in the Indo-Pacific region, the expected resurgence in illegal immigrants and the frailty of the global economy, this was not the election to change for change’s sake.

The question now is whether party leaders have learnt anything or will we endure three years of damage under a government which ignores core commonsense and drifts ever further to the Left.

Did we really deserve this government?

Piers Akerman
Piers AkermanColumnist

Piers Akerman is an opinion columnist with The Sunday Telegraph. He has extensive media experience, including in the US and UK, and has edited a number of major Australian newspapers.

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