
Newington is going coed, and there’s nothing a few old boys can do about it

The trouble with claims Newington College is a scene of academic collapse, with parents too cowed to speak their mind, is that none of it reflects reality.

‘We are going to win this’: Newington parent criticises co-ed decision

The trouble with claims Newington College is a scene of academic collapse, with parents too cowed to speak their mind, is that none of it reflects reality.

Last year the school announced that in future it would accept girls. It did this after a consultation process that took into account the views of old boys, parents and possible future parents.

Eighty focus groups were held, thousands of surveys sent out and research into single sex versus co-ed outcomes reviewed.

The school’s council voted unanimously for the change, supported by the Uniting Church (which has ordained women since 1990).

Today, contrary to what some vocal opponents tell the media, most parents either support accepting girls into the school or don’t mind much either way.

To be fair, a minority are against change, but the views of future parents were made clear by the fact that the school received hundreds of fresh applications in the first 48 hours after the announcement.

Anti-coed Newington College protesters walking towards the school in a silent protest against the proposed switch to Newington College becoming a co-ed school. Picture: Richard Dobson
Anti-coed Newington College protesters walking towards the school in a silent protest against the proposed switch to Newington College becoming a co-ed school. Picture: Richard Dobson

Even the majority of more recent old boys support going co-ed.

Despite all this, from one quarter howls of indignation continue to echo around Sydney: old boys of a certain age who seemingly cannot countenance females in the hallowed halls of their old school.

Their initial objections included questions such as: ‘How will the boys concentrate?’, ‘What about the quality of the First XV?’ and ‘Won’t boys be second class citizens in their own school?’ – despite the fact that young men seem to manage perfectly fine at university and in the workplace.

Newington College headmaster Michael Parker. Picture:
Newington College headmaster Michael Parker. Picture:

Some objectors bordered on the ridiculous, such as an older chap weeping at the school gates because he didn’t want a yet-to-be-conceived grandson to attend a co-ed school. A small number were frankly nasty: ‘No need to be peaceful anymore’.

The school has responded with great patience, holding public meetings, gently addressing claims that there was no consultation, and responding courteously to emails – usually within hours, and often within minutes.

But the truth is that it’s clear what these older old boys object to: Equality. They can’t come out and say it, but they admit it every time they say that boys and girls attending class together is “woke gone mad”.

The kids who attend Newington are incredibly lucky. The school provides them with superb facilities and opportunities that will stay with them and shape them for life. The teachers are outstanding role models. The headmaster knows almost every boy, and a vast number of parents by name and is universally respected.

The staff have a great rapport with the kids and with the vast majority of parents, and all the school asks in ­return is that we’re courteous to each other.

Of course, these kids have access to Newington because they are fortunate enough to have parents or grandparents who can afford the fees.

The problem we’re seeing play out now is that a minority of old boys who appear to believe their wealth and status affords them the right to dictate the future direction of the school.

That is what entitlement looks like.

They ignore the extensive research done on what’s best from an educational lens, and deny the existence of those of us who have kids at the school and support the decision.

Instead they use their wealth and contacts to undermine everything the school stands for. In doing so, they are sullying the Newington experience for parents like me who just want to enjoy watching our children grow into fine adults.

The decision to go co-ed has been made. It will not be reversed. Weeping for the TV cameras, launching tenuous lawsuits, spreading misinformation to apply pressure, working the old-boys network (including a delegation to the King of Tonga), and badmouthing anyone who disagrees with them whilst claiming to have been silenced will achieve nothing.

Their claims that academic standards are collapsing are either deliberate misinformation or woeful ignorance – the school recently declared the best average ATAR in many years.

“Financial analysis” they circulated to prove that the school’s going bust was also laughable. The bank balance did fall during Covid because Newington reduced its fees and allowed families to defer payment with no questions asked.

This was an example of decency, not financial weakness. The balance sheet remains strong.

Speaking as a parent who loves this school and who represents the views of the large proportion of parents distressed by the behaviour of a vocal few, I ask that this stop.

Every schoolteacher knows that when the class is not living up to the standard of behaviour expected, there is a point when you have to call for it to calm down. I make that call now: calm down, class of yesteryear.

We’re only talking about letting your ­daughters and granddaughters have the advantages that you had.

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