

Miranda Devine: Most Americans do not want Joe Biden to serve a second term

US President Joe Biden has been caught in a number of lies, most notably about his atrocious border policy, which is letting in an endless stream of illegal immigrants, writes Miranda Devine.

Popularity slide 'not good' for Joe Biden's presidency

If you’re wondering how low Joe Biden’s poll numbers can go, you’re not alone. His list of self-inflicted crises just keeps growing.

He is being mocked mercilessly over a report that he ­allegedly emitted a “long fart” while chatting with Camilla Parker Bowles about carbon emissions at a climate confab in Scotland last week.

He shouted at a journalist after being caught out lying about his administration’s proposal to pay up to $450,000 compensation per person to illegal migrant families who were separated under the Trump administration.

Prosecutors are closing in on top Democrats responsible for the scandalous Russia hoax which hobbled Donald Trump’s presidency.

“Let’s Go Brandon” has soared to new heights of popularity after ­misguided attempts by NASCAR and irate leftists to stop people chanting the euphemism for “F--k Joe Biden” at sporting events.

US President Joe Biden last week yelled at a reporter who busted him in a lie. Picture: AFP
US President Joe Biden last week yelled at a reporter who busted him in a lie. Picture: AFP

His divided party is trying to claim victory for finally passing a $1 trillion infrastructure bill through the House, only after 13 Republicans crossed the floor.

But the $4 trillion social welfare bill Biden tried to link to it is hostage to the Democrats’ wafer thin majority and dwindling political capital.

As energy prices soar, heading into a forecast bitter winter, Biden is talking about shutting down another gas pipeline from Michigan to Canada, to the dismay of everyone except hardcore progressives in his party.

And to cap it all off, the Democrats copped a shellacking in elections across the country which are seen as a harbinger of the mid-term races next year when Republicans expect to take back the House and the Senate and leave Biden as a lame duck – if he lasts so long.

So, it’s fair to say things haven’t been going well for the President ­lately.

Vice President Kamala Harris is even more unpopular than Joe Biden is. Picture: AFP
Vice President Kamala Harris is even more unpopular than Joe Biden is. Picture: AFP

In fact, voters have already had enough of him, 10 months into his presidency. A new USA Today/Suffolk University poll asked voters to name the single most important thing for Biden to do in the next year.

The top response was “Resign or Retire”.


His approval rating in that poll has dropped to 38 per cent, amid concerns about inflation, the economy and ­illegal migration. The only consolation is that Kamala Harris, his cackling Vice President, is even more unpopular, at 28 per cent, so no one is speaking seriously of a palace coup, despite Biden’s woes.

Even though nearly two-thirds of Americans say they don’t want him to run for a second term in 2024, he seems oddly insouciant about the ­parlous state he is in, even bantering on Monday with a basketball team owner about running for a second term, when he will be 82.

While hip pocket issues are uppermost on voter minds, the border crisis is a running sore that his administration has resorted to lies and trickery to hide it.

After the Wall Street Journal ­reported his Department of Justice was negotiating with migrant families to give them whopping settlements, Biden simply denied the story.

It was “garbage”, “not true” and “not gonna happen”, he told ­reporters.

That afternoon, the ACLU called out his mendacity, in the politest way possible, suggesting the President was not “fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department”.

Lo and behold, the next day, Biden was “perfectly comfortable” with the payments, said White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. What he really had meant was that the $450,000 figure might not be ­entirely accurate.

A lot of people would have heard Biden’s denial and missed the White House walk-back. And that’s no ­accident.

The day after an election in which his party lost ground everywhere, the President knew that a policy of ­rewarding illegal migrants while ­veterans are homeless was kryptonite to voters.

So, he did what he has done all his career. He lied.

If anything makes Donald Trump look bad, Joe Biden is all for it. Picture: AFP
If anything makes Donald Trump look bad, Joe Biden is all for it. Picture: AFP

But he didn’t disavow the policy. Far from it. He thinks it makes him look compassionate but, more importantly, it makes Donald Trump look bad – and that seems to be the one animating force of his presidency.

Jean-Pierre spelled it out Thursday when she blamed the Trump ­administration’s “cruel, inhuman, immoral policies” for the compensation payments.

By Saturday, Biden had gone from flatly denying the payments to yelling at a reporter that they were moral and justified.

“If, in fact, because of the outrageous behaviour of the last administration … you lost your child”, he bellowed and wagged his finger, “you deserve some kind of compensation.”

It’s a bit rich when Biden single-handedly created the conditions for a record surge at the border of unaccompanied minors who, by definition, are separated from their families – and then his administration went and lost track of at least 45,000 of them, according to Axios.

There is nothing compassionate about Biden’s lax border policy, not for the poor souls who have been lured into the arms of criminal people smugglers, and not for the American people, who already are suffering the consequences of what can only be ­described as a secret government-sponsored invasion.

Joe Biden has secretly opened the floodgates to immigrants in the US.
Joe Biden has secretly opened the floodgates to immigrants in the US.

If it were good policy, Biden would not feel the need to lie and obfuscate when asked about it.

His administration would not be flying illegal migrants around the country secretly in private charter jets in the middle of the night if it were proud of what it was doing.

It would not be pretending that ­migrants on these secret flights, some of whom the New York Post watched land in White Plains last month, are children, when a good proportion of them ­appear to be adult males in their 20s, and the rest in their mid-to-late teens.

The consequences of Biden’s border disaster are obvious.

Already in Jacksonville, Florida, a drop off spot for flights from the southern border to White Plains, a murder has been committed, allegedly by a 24-year-old illegal migrant from Honduras, who posed as a 17-year-old unaccompanied minor when he recently sneaked across the border.

But it’s all about optics for this ­administration.

Say the border is closed while ­secretly removing the evidence that it is wide open and make no attempt to interrupt the millions of illegal crossings unless you get caught out.

It’s no way to run a country.

Miranda Devine is in New York for 18 months to cover current affairs for The Daily Telegraph

Miranda Devine
Miranda DevineJournalist

Welcome to Miranda Devine's blog, where you can read all her latest columns. Miranda is currently in New York covering current affairs for The Daily Telegraph.

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