

Melbourne’s protesting fools are using the freedoms we fought for against us

You attacked police, horses and attendees, violently, despite proclaiming to stand for peace. The sheer hypocrisy was lost on no one, writes Erin Molan.

Eastern suburbs targeted with pro-Hamas graffiti

Dear violent protesters at Melbourne’s Land Forces expo.

I shall try to write simply to give you the best chance of understanding the contents of this open letter.

Your naivety is only dwarfed by your immense stupidity.

I’d love to sugar coat that statement but there is simply no other way to put it.

You took to the streets of Melbourne this week to protest against the violence of war … and your modus operandi?


You attacked police, horses and attendees, violently, despite proclaiming to stand for peace.

The sheer hypocrisy was lost on no one, you once again, without any external influence or help, expose yourselves as frauds.

A woman blows soap bubbles towards police on Southbank Promenade on September 12, 2024 in Melbourne, Australia. Picture: Darrian Traynor/Getty Images
A woman blows soap bubbles towards police on Southbank Promenade on September 12, 2024 in Melbourne, Australia. Picture: Darrian Traynor/Getty Images

Why do you cover your faces? Are you ashamed? Embarrassed? Or are you just cowards?

As the wonderful American university professor Melinda Roth wrote earlier this year after walking through a pro-Palestine encampment at Columbia: “If you are so proud of yourselves, why hide those faces? Why mask up? … Real protesters are proud of what they’re doing”.

Why are you flying the Palestinian and Hamas flags at an anti-weapons and wars protest?

Did you not see the footage filmed by Hamas from October 7?

Anti-war activists protest the Land Forces 2024 International Land Defence Exposition at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Anti-war activists protest the Land Forces 2024 International Land Defence Exposition at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

They used weapons?

They waged a war? They brutally killed, raped and tortured innocent people?

Some of you look very familiar … (the few parts of you not covered in disguises!)

I’d never imply you are professional protesters who aren’t genuinely committed to the cause.

But I swear I saw some of you at another animal rights protest …

So the violent assault on horses was indeed, inconceivable.

Now, let’s assume for a fleeting second that you genuinely want peace, despite your combative methods of trying to achieve it,

And again, I’ll try to put this simply.

The world is a big, bad and dangerous place.

Unfortunately there are evil players in positions of power who want to do us harm.

Now the only way to stop these evil tyrants (some of you may know them as rogue nations) from hurting us is to be strong.

Anti-war activists protest the Land Forces 2024 International Land Defence Exposition at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Protesters attempt to establish a barricade on the Clarendon Street Bridge. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Anti-war activists protest the Land Forces 2024 International Land Defence Exposition at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Protesters attempt to establish a barricade on the Clarendon Street Bridge. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

It’s called a deterrent.

We need to match other nations’ big and scary weapons.

It’s really not that complex – but let me try and simplify it for you:

Strength is the only way we can achieve peace.

The good guys (us) need to be strong to stop the bad guys (them) attacking us.

If they fear our response they won’t invade, nor hopefully taunt, bully or impose their dictatorships.

Now we’d all love to live in a world of sunshine, rainbows and lollipops, but unfortunately that’s not reality.

But let me tell you, Australia is as close to a grown-up’s version of that kind of world as you can get, and all you’re doing is ruining that.

What a national disgrace.

The right to protest peacefully is an incredible thing, not shared by most of the countries and organisations you seem to support.

Do you understand why you live in a free and democratic society that enables you to express yourself?

Because the men and women of our Defence Force fight for your right to do so?

The very same people who you tried to intimidate and attack this week?

The very people you abused on the way in are the people willing to give their lives for your right to protest peacefully.

You are not warriors for justice – you are useless idiots at best and dangerous fools at worst.

I’ll end this letter by again quoting Professor Roth.

“You are not on the right side of history like you think you will be. No one with hate in their heart ever was.”

Join me for ‘Erin’ Friday afternoon at 5pm on Sky News Australia – my special guest is KISS legend, Gene Simmons, like you’ve never seen him before. He opens up on October 7, being Jewish, and plenty more!

Erin Molan
Erin MolanCommentator

Erin Molan has been a journalist in Australia for nearly 20 years. Host of Erin, Fridays at 5.00pm on Sky News Australia and Daily Telegraph Columnist. Molan spent 11 years as a News and Sports Host at Channel 9… including as the first woman to host the Footy Show and Continuous Call Team on 2GB. She is passionate about online safety and campaigned for new laws to protect Australians… which were introduced into Parliament.

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