
Tolerance zealots out to destroy Israel Folau and keep religion in the closet

The tolerance zealots won’t be satisfied until they destroy Israel Folau, his wife, his parents, their church and everyone else who is associated with him, writes Miranda Devine.

Idea of ‘live and let live’ is being lost

The tolerance zealots won’t be satisfied until they destroy Israel Folau, his wife, his parents, their church and everyone else who is associated with him.

They want their persecution of the rugby superstar to serve as a lesson to all Christians — keep your religion in the closet.

The attacks on Folau, a fundamentalist Christian, have been feral, ever since he posted a Bible meme on his personal Instagram account calling on “Drunks, Homosexuals, Adulterers, Liars, Fornicators, Thieves, Atheists, Idolaters” to repent or go to hell.

“Jesus Christ loves you and is giving you time to turn away from your sin and come to him,” he wrote.

Israel Folau with Australian Christian Lobby managing director Martyn Iles. Picture: Facebook
Israel Folau with Australian Christian Lobby managing director Martyn Iles. Picture: Facebook

For mentioning homosexuals, he’s been branded a homophobe, blackballed from rugby and league, his netball star wife has been monstered, and his father’s church has been forced into hiding.

Yesterday GoFundMe, in the usual illiberal way of woke corporates, closed down his account, after it had raised more than $750,000 in donations in a few days for his legal costs. The donations embarrassed the tolerance totalitarians because they show that thousands of Quiet Australians are willing to back Folau with their hard-earned money — not because they are bigots, but because they know where this crackdown on free speech is heading.

You don’t have to agree with Folau to fear a world in which you can be destroyed for quoting the Bible.

And we all know that if Folau had said instead that “climate deniers” will go to hell he would have been lauded.

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