ABC pulls every punch on Dark Emu literary hoax
The ABC’s film on the greatest literary fake we’ve ever known at least served to explain why so many people are so desperate to believe Bruce Pascoe and his made-up history.
The ABC’s film on the greatest literary fake we’ve ever known at least served to explain why so many people are so desperate to believe Bruce Pascoe and his made-up history.
The Albanese government handed Brittany Higgins up to $3m in a confidential settlement after she claimed she’d been “diagnosed as medically unfit for any form of employment” – so how could she now be working at the UN?
Anthony Albanese just had his worst week as Prime Minister. Losing the Fadden by-election shows he’s in danger and voters are switching off his crusades.
A report by Net Zero Australia reveals what the government won’t tell us – that Labor is leading us down the road to ruin.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg blamed coronavirus for causing the worst budget deficit in our country’s history. But it wasn’t the virus that put us in this position, writes Andrew Bolt.
US President Donald Trump played a mask-less game with coronavirus and lost. His bravado prevented him from being cautious and it has derailed his campaign, but there’s a way he can come back from this, writes Andrew Bolt.
Explosive allegations Cardinal George Pell’s enemies sent $1.1 million to Australia as he faced false claims of child sex abuse won’t surprise his supporters, but the burning question is will Victoria Police investigate the claim, writes Andrew Bolt.
It wasn’t Donald Trump who turned to petulant abuse in the presidential debate — Joe Biden acted the thug but looked weak but in the end undecided voters were left with one choice: which man looks strong enough to be the Most Powerful President in the World, writes Andrew Bolt.
As the Vatican reveales it will renew an agreement with China that effectively lets this tyranny choose its own bishops, it has only made the dictatorship stronger and the Pope himself has been gagged, writes Andrew Bolt.
A triumphant George Pell heads back to the Vatican this week to face enemies who hoped he’d rot in jail. But the shoe’s on the other foot this time, writes Andrew Bolt.
Multicultural Victoria is insane. It’s again proven in the Premier’s decision to spare a group of Afghans spreading coronavirus from punishment and instead fine protesting grannies in a park. Showing, once more, we’re really not all in this together, writes Andrew Bolt.
Victoria’s crazy Cult of Dan is backed by polls showing strong public support for our most authoritarian Premier yet. It is extraordinary that the more people who die from his disasters, the more the survivors praise him for his strength, writes Andrew Bolt.
The coronavirus panic that has led to Victoria’s looming economic disaster has been exaggerated by one simple counting confusion, writes Andrew Bolt. Not all the almost 400 dead were actually killed by the virus.
The second wave of this coronavirus outbreak has hammered home the dangerous pitfalls of diversity, with immigrants a common denominator in the worst virus hot spots, writes Andrew Bolt.
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