Time to call bull on Voice justification
Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney’s cordial story may be the dumbest excuse yet for why we should support the racially divisive Voice.
Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney’s cordial story may be the dumbest excuse yet for why we should support the racially divisive Voice.
The coup might have collapsed in a day – but the whole fiasco shows Russians unmistakably that Putin’s war has been a disaster.
A white man is now our most celebrated Aborigine, and democracy is denounced as a threat to Labor’s racist Voice. It’s time to fight back.
Rate rises, soaring power prices and the Voice — our country has gone crazy, and politicians are making things worse. No wonder some Aussies need to leave the country to breathe in clean air.
Investigators in three countries are checking whether Vatican officials sent bribes to Victoria to frame Cardinal George Pell for child sex abuse — but still the state’s police force refuses to investigate. And it’s very odd, writes Andrew Bolt.
The polls say Donald Trump will get the boot in the US election, two weeks from now, but there are five key reasons why the most effective president since Ronald Reagan will actually win, writes Andrew Bolt.
Ever since the virus escaped hotel quarantine, Daniel Andrews has smashed Victoria with lockdowns without admitting he didn’t trust the likes of Brett Sutton to just do the basics — tracing, quarantining and protecting the aged. Now that lethal fraud is exposed, writes Andrew Bolt.
For decades, the status of a celebrity’s sexuality was a closely guarded secret if anything outside the norm. But as actor Hugh Sheridan coming out during a promotional shoot for his new show makes clear, what once seemed a publicity disaster is now very much an asset, writes Andrew Bolt.
Uncle Dan’s latest stringent plan shows he’s freaking out about infection rates NSW can handle without a sweat. And as several scandals still rock his team, it’s clear the Premier has zero trust in his own bureaucracy to even do the basics, writes Andrew Bolt.
Poor Gladys. Another good woman done wrong by her shady lover and left broken hearted. But no one would boo-hoo if a male politician was such a fool for love, writes Andrew Bolt.
The Victorian government has failed the state, but so have many individuals. Multiculturalism has weakened Victoria, leaving it more likely to get smashed by a pandemic and the evidence is now undeniable, writes Andrew Bolt.
Anyone who watched Labor leader Anthony Albanese gave his Budget reply speech, would’ve realised that he is a political leader who hasn’t figured how badly we’ve been smashed by the coronavirus, writes Andrew Bolt.
For more than 100 days Daniel Andrews has turned up to his press conference looking like he feels no shame and knows what he’s doing. How can he sound so sure of himself when he’s got the blood of hundreds of people on his hands? And why has he kept his job, writes Andrew Bolt.
Donald Trump’s remarkable recovery from coronavirus proves he is right again. We can handle this virus without more crippling bans and we don’t need to let it dominate our lives, writes Andrew Bolt.
Original URL: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/page/76