Leftist push for new apartheid now totally out of control
Undaunted by the evident craziness of trying to divide this mongrel nation by race, the Yoorrook Justice Commission’s report handed down this week is now pushing for a new apartheid.
Undaunted by the evident craziness of trying to divide this mongrel nation by race, the Yoorrook Justice Commission’s report handed down this week is now pushing for a new apartheid.
How does God manage this business, deciding who must die – and when? There has been no more agonising issue for my wife and I than whether to have our faithful old dog with dementia, put down.
With its members to be selected rather than elected, the Voice to Parliament is undemocratic and set to divide Aboriginal Australia — it’s also likely to take years to set up.
How could Anthony Albanese sell us Noel Pearson’s Voice, a plan to forever divide us by race and guarantee that generations more of Aboriginal children live in poverty?
In the eyes of the hysterical Left, simply sharing the same gender or race as those who have done wrong now makes you just as guilty.
Some gay staffers in Canberra have suddenly become the symbol of toxic masculinity. Could this hysterical crusade against the government get any more irrational?
The ABC’s Q&A is now describing panellist Bruce Pascoe as an author, instead of an Aboriginal historian. But isn’t he still identifying as Aboriginal?
Many men do it tougher than women, but few complain, feeling that complaints are for the weak. Should feminists reinforce that stereotype?
Tim Flannery, like many climate alarmists, has been proven wrong about his scaremongering predictions – yet he hasn’t paid a price.
Harry and Meghan claim to be “compassion in action”, but have proved again they are untrustworthy backstabbers.
As China’s ultranationalist dictator Xi Jinping eyes a war to conquer Taiwan, we in Australia still seem dangerously slow to realise the danger.
Even this tired town’s biggest fans wouldn’t call it a “tourist area”. So why did the government add it to a list of tourism hot spots?
This week the ABC revealed the woman allegedly raped by Christian Porter went to dinner with him years later — so what else are they holding back?
Victoria’s government says it is “committed to acknowledging the truth” of our colonial past but truth is the last thing we can expect.
Original URL: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/andrew-bolt/page/73