

Andrew Bolt: Truth is absent in celebration of Bruce Pascoe

A white man is now our most celebrated Aborigine, and democracy is denounced as a threat to Labor’s racist Voice. It’s time to fight back.

Historian Bruce Pascoe's book 'Dark Emu' criticised over accuracy concerns

Bruce Pascoe should have been booed off the stage of the Sydney Film Festival last weekend. Instead, Australia’s most famous fake Aborigine was treated like a hero.

Looking pinker than me, the old fraud posed for the cameras, surrounded by white admirers who seem to prefer their Aborigines to look like themselves.

Worse, Pascoe was there as the star of a film backed by the ABC, Film Victoria and Screen Australia, using taxpayers’ money to promote the greatest literary fraud in our history. He is now honoured as a professor at the University of Melbourne after writing Dark Emu, falsely claiming Aborigines were farmers, not hunter-gatherers.

That film, The Dark Emu Story, premiered at the festival, where producer Darren Dale hailed it as “so important” in this “momentous year” when we get to vote on Labor’s Voice – a kind of Aboriginal-only advisory parliament, cemented into our Constitution.

For once I agreed with him. This film is important for confirming truth is dead in Aboriginal politics.

It’s so dead that Labor can brazenly claim the Voice is a “modest change”, and this apartheid will somehow unite us.

I was away for the film’s premiere, so must rely on reports and the trailer. But that’s already enough to tell us both Pascoe and the Voice come from the same monstrous mountain of bull-droppings, promoted by the same extremists.

Bruce Pascoe. Picture: Lillian Watkins
Bruce Pascoe. Picture: Lillian Watkins
Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe
Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe

For instance, Professor Marcia Langton, also of the University of Melbourne, popped up in The Dark Emu Story to abuse me and others for pointing out Pascoe was a fake Aborigine peddling a fake history.

“The racist attacks on him hinged on whether or not he was Aboriginal,” raged the former Communist League national committee member, who has also called Pascoe’s Dark Emu “the most important book on Australia”, even though it misrepresented sources and has been debunked by academics.

Langton’s smear in the film is important, because she is a key architect of Labor’s Voice, one of the two authors of the co-design report which the Albanese government cites as its model.

For a start, what does it say about Langton’s commitment to the truth that she defends not just Pascoe’s book but his claimed Aboriginality, even though his genealogy shows all his ancestors are of British descent?

But there’s a pattern here. Langton is also curiously indifferent to the danger of fake Aborigines hijacking the Voice.

Her report tells the federal government not to hold direct elections to choose the 24 people who will form the Voice to advise parliament and public servants on everything from welfare payments to defence.

No democracy? Why not?

Well, says Langton’s report, because Aborigines would complain of fake Aborigines voting: “Eligibility to vote, particularly with regard to confirming indigeneity … has historically been divisive in some communities.”

Shockingly, the Albanese government has bought Langton’s argument. There will not be direct elections. Voice members will instead be selected by the Aboriginal aristocracy which already dominates black politics and helped produce a social disaster.

It staggers me that not one prominent Leftist has publicly protested that Aborigines are being denied a democratic vote for the Voice that’s meant to represent them.

Is that because they’re scared an election means having to create an electoral roll of voters who’ll have to prove they really are Aborigines? Are they scared we’ll learn how many Pascoes are out there, particularly in politics and universities?

Pascoe should have been booed off the stage of the Sydney Film Festival. Picture: Luke Bowden
Pascoe should have been booed off the stage of the Sydney Film Festival. Picture: Luke Bowden

Suzanne Ingram, a board member of the NSW Aboriginal Housing Office, complained on SBS last year that 300,000 of the 810,000 Australians now claiming to be Aboriginal were fakes. An Aboriginal member of the Albanese government’s referendum working group privately told me Ingram was right.

In fact, the past two censuses – 2016 and 2021 – had more than 130,000 people calling themselves Aborigines who hadn’t in the census before, and many Aborigines are now horrified by the flood of fakes.

Activist Stephen Hagan told SBS there were even “fake Aborigines coming into the (Aboriginal) organisations”, and Sydney’s Metropolitan Aboriginal Land Council warned “people have used self-identification to receive jobs, housing and scholarships they’re not entitled to”.

Michael Mansell, Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania chairman, warned of thousands more fakes like Pascoe in Tasmania, where the number of supposed Aborigines has rocketed from 36 in 1966 to 30,000 today.

But white journalists – the kind promoting Pascoe – don’t want to know. See the ABC defend Pascoe even now.

Truth does not matter to them, so fakes and frauds rule. A white man is now our most celebrated Aborigine, and democracy is denounced as a threat to Labor’s racist Voice.

Fight back. Say no.

Originally published as Andrew Bolt: Truth is absent in celebration of Bruce Pascoe

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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