

Bolt: Many on the Left excuse or relativise the barbaric savagery of the Hamas terrorists who run Gaza

The war against Israel has ripped the mask off the Left – their wilful gullibility suggests their default position is Jews are the liars and murderers, and Hamas the victims.

‘Women and children’: Hamas leader wants ‘human shields’

The war against Israel has ripped the mask off the Left.

I’ve never seen such naked hatred of Israel and Jews, most of it justified by lies and the Left’s perverted new ideology.

But no wonder, when Jews and Israel tick every box for the Left’s favourite villains.

Most obviously, the Jews of Israel are too white for the Left, whose identity politics says white is the colour of oppression.

They’re also too successful, because the Left’s new victim politics says the “marginalised”, like Palestinians, are hero victims, and never victims of their own toxic choices.

What’s more, the Jews of Israel are also too rich, since the Left still believes the Marxist lie that riches are what you steal, not create.

The Jews are even now damned as “colonialists” – the West’s ultimate sin in the Left’s catechism.

True, Jews were indigenous to Israel for many thousands of years before Islam was invented, but history is now what the Left invents, not records.

But one more bit of ideology seals the Left’s case against the Jews.

Noticed how fiercely collectivist, or tribal, the Left is now?

How quick to dismiss personal responsibility?

United Nations secretary-general Antonio Guterres. Picture: Sujan Gurung
United Nations secretary-general Antonio Guterres. Picture: Sujan Gurung

You see it right now. Many on the Left excuse or relativise the barbaric savagery of the Hamas terrorists who run Gaza and on October 7 butchered 1400 Jews, even mutilating parents in front of their children, raping women before executing them, beheading victims and burning babies alive.

This was something so profoundly evil that it breaks history’s chain of cause and effect, meaning this war with Hamas started on October 7, not in 1948. And it was started by Hamas.

But not to the tribal Left. What Hamas did “didn’t happen in a vacuum”, blathered Antonio Guterres, the United Nations’ idiotic secretary-general, as if the terrorists were just impersonal dominoes tipped over by history’s finger, not individuals making their own moral decisions – ones we must damn.

And that’s one more strike against the Jews. To many on the Left, they caused their own murder.

The Greens are the clearest example of this moral depravity of the Left.

Greens Senator David Shoebridge.
Greens Senator David Shoebridge.

I don’t mean just the most extreme Greens, such as race-baiting Senator Mehreen Faruqi, wearing her Palestinian keffiyah to parliament to rant at Israel.

Worse, even the most seemingly reasonable Greens now fall for the ludicrous spin of Hamas.

Take Senator David Shoebridge, the Greens’ defence spokesman, who last Thursday savaged Israel for bombing a Hamas military compound sheltered between a mosque, clinic and school in what Hamas still calls a “refugee camp”, although it’s now another concrete suburb of Gaza City.

Shoebridge accepted Hamas figures for the dead, and raged: “Possibly up to 200 civilians, the majority of them women and children, were killed in order for the IDF to kill one identified target … one targeted terrorist.”

What an idiotic scenario. Even if Shoebridge won’t believe the Israeli Defence Forces, which claims it killed not just Ibrahim Biari, commander of Hamas’s Central Jabaliya Battalion, but “approximately 50” of his terrorists, how can he believe the Hamas version instead?

What odds that one of Hamas’s most senior terrorists in one of its biggest terrorist bases is surrounded in wartime by 200 civilians, mostly children and women, but not one fighter?

It stuns me that so many of the Left, particularly journalists, still believe Hamas’s wild claims and often inflated casualty figures.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese fell for the Hamas lie that hundreds of people at one Gaza hospital were killed by an Israeli bomb. Picture: Hector Retamal
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese fell for the Hamas lie that hundreds of people at one Gaza hospital were killed by an Israeli bomb. Picture: Hector Retamal

Why do they assume terrorists who gleefully burned alive families of Jews would scruple to tell a lie?

Yet even Prime Minister Anthony Albanese fell for the Hamas lie that hundreds of people at one Gaza hospital were killed by an Israeli bomb, saying he condemned any “targeting of civilian infrastructure, including hospitals”.

In fact, it was a Palestinian rocket that hit not the hospital but a car park, killing not hundreds but reportedly dozens at most.

It’s now the same story, with reporters claiming Israel killed many Palestinian civilians when it hit an ambulance, with Guterres declaring himself “horrified”.

But Israel says Hamas used that ambulance to transport terrorists, as it often does.

Even Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian West Bank, years ago claimed: “The Hamas leaders … fled to the Sinai (in Egypt) in ambulances, leaving their people behind to be slaughtered.”

Hamas even hides a key command base inside Gaza’s biggest hospital, Al-Shifa.

This is why I can’t rule out anti-Semitism when Leftists repeat the propaganda of these lying Hamas butchers, while sneering at the claims of Israel.

Their wilful gullibility suggests their default position is that Jews are the liars and murderers, and Hamas their truthful victims – just as the Left’s new ideology decrees.

Originally published as Bolt: Many on the Left excuse or relativise the barbaric savagery of the Hamas terrorists who run Gaza

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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