
Andrew Bolt: Marcia Langton embodies Australia’s new politics of division

Australians will soon vote on Marcia Langton’s Voice, so her politics of division can live for centuries to come — a cancer on our liberal democracy and our colour-blind justice.

Marcia Langton ‘doesn’t unite’ but ‘divides’ Australia

How odd, I thought on Saturday, as I read another halo-polishing piece on Marcia Langton, the abusive woman who co-wrote the blueprint for Labor’s Voice.

There was so much in this cover story in The Australian Magazine about Langton’s past – her schooling in Queensland, her university days, her black activism and the racists she’s met.

But there was not a hint that Professor Marcia Langton, now a senior member of the Albanese government’s Indigenous Voice to Parliament Working Group, had been a communist.

Not just some teen communist, either, but a member of the national committee of the Communist League, crusading to destroy capitalism, before joining the equally Marxist Socialist Workers Party in 1977.

Oh, yes, I know! Communists are so yesterday. Why hunt for reds under the bed now? It’s laughable.

Besides, old communists can be forgiven, can’t they? Sure, their heads may have been empty, but their hearts were full, just like global warming hysterics today, and Langton is now 71 and must have wised up since.

Yet there’s a clue here, a warning that this Voice – a kind of Aboriginal-only advisory parliament of unelected activists like Langton, but in our Constitution – might be driven by hate, not love, and will divide, not unite.

Marcia Langton co-wrote the blueprint for Labor’s Voice. Picture: AAP
Marcia Langton co-wrote the blueprint for Labor’s Voice. Picture: AAP

You see, Marxists don’t treat people as individuals. They divide us into faceless members of a class – workers or bosses.

That lets them demonise enemies and crush them like insects, which is why Marxist countries are so bloody. It’s also why bullies love this kind of doctrine.

And now here’s Langton – “revered and feared” says this admiring profile by Helen Trinca – playing that same game with the Voice, which Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, himself from Labor’s Socialist Left, sobs will “change the country” and “make us feel better about ourselves”.

Trinca flatters Langton as “intellectually intimidating”, but there’s nothing intellectual about her intimidation. Defy Langton and she’ll scream “racist” at high volume, as does fellow Voice guru Noel Pearson.

She’s at it again in Trinca’s article. Her school books were racist, people in the shops were racist, her university lecturer was racist, her green and leftist critics are guilty of “arrogant racism”, and “apartheid” Queensland when she was young was so racist that “no civil or HUMAN rights were accorded to my people” – a complete falsehood, but which white journalists dares contradict glowering Langton?

It’s so typical of her. Langton has previously claimed schools in her youth were “horrible, racist hellholes” whose “teachers were the kind of people who still advocated killing Aboriginal people”.

Yet she was made house captain at Brisbane’s Aspley High, so go figure.

Langton accused Jacinta Nampijinpa Price of “legitimising racism”. Picture: Getty
Langton accused Jacinta Nampijinpa Price of “legitimising racism”. Picture: Getty

She’s also shouted “racist” at a huge number of perceived enemies from former Liberal prime minister John Howard and me to global warming guru Tim Flannery and Labor lawyer Josh Bornstein.

Sure, she admitted on radio I wasn’t actually racist, but that doesn’t stop her.

She even accused Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, herself Aboriginal, of “legitimising racism” by opposing Langton’s Voice, which sure is chutzpah given the Voice will give Australians different voting rights depending on their race.

Oh, and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is “deceitful” and “lying”.

Be warned. Langton’s Voice will encourage more such hate-speech because it must forever see racism everywhere, or why else would it exist?

Aborigines must always be seen as victims – even Langton – and whites as oppressors, even if facts must be tortured to fit the story.

Langton’s history of activism shows how this works. She promoted the “stolen generations” story that racist white officials stole tens of thousands of children just because they were Aboriginal, when our courts haven’t found even one.

She worked on the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and accuses police of “killing or assaulting Aboriginal people” in jail, even though Aboriginal prisoners are in fact less likely than non-Aboriginal ones to die there.

Langton also hailed Professor Bruce Pascoe as an Aborigine and called his Dark Emu “the most important book on Australia”, even though Pascoe is a fake and his book claiming Aborigines were actually farmers has been debunked.

But what do facts matter?

Langton’s race-mongering and abuse has helped her to the height of influence, with an Order of Australia and her face in the National Portrait Gallery.

Now Australians will soon vote on her Voice, so her politics of division can live for centuries to come, a cancer on our liberal democracy, our egalitarianism and our colour-blind justice.

The old Marxist wins.

Originally published as Andrew Bolt: Marcia Langton embodies Australia’s new politics of division

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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