

Andrew Bolt: Global warming denial now blasphemy by Libs

Two Liberals are now guilty of blasphemy for refusing to lie about the climate “emergency” but nobody should dare question the new religion by dropping truth bombs about net zero.

Matt Canavan’s truth bomb caused the biggest explosion when the Nationals MP told the ABC ‘the net zero thing is all sort of dead’. Picture: Gary Ramage
Matt Canavan’s truth bomb caused the biggest explosion when the Nationals MP told the ABC ‘the net zero thing is all sort of dead’. Picture: Gary Ramage

I am so shocked. Two more of the Morrison government’s candidates have been caught out refusing to lie.

Dear God, won’t these fools learn that journalists – many voters, too – don’t want the truth? The truth is dangerous!

We’d already had one Liberal, Katherine Deves, caught saying it was unfair on female athletes to have to compete against people who’d been born male.

She’s right, of course. But Deves has been monstered so badly that she’s promised never to be so insensitive again.

You’d think the Coalition candidates had learnt their lesson, but on Tuesday it got worse.

Two more blasphemed – former Resources Minister Matt Canavan and Colleen Harkin, the Liberal candidate for Macnamara.

I say blasphemed, because both questioned the new religion raging through the upper-middle class, particularly among women.

Matt Canavan’s truth bomb caused the biggest explosion when the Nationals MP told the ABC ‘the net zero thing is all sort of dead’. Picture: Gary Ramage
Matt Canavan’s truth bomb caused the biggest explosion when the Nationals MP told the ABC ‘the net zero thing is all sort of dead’. Picture: Gary Ramage

The Age, the bible of this global warming faith, gasped that Harkin had been filmed warning that “describing global warming as a climate emergency is almost child abuse”.

Or as Harkin said in the incriminating video: “The earth is not going to implode next week, next month, next year …

“To teach children that there is an emergency is nothing short of almost abuse … We have eight-year-old children who are stressed about the environment. We’ve taught them to be stressed.”

What’s more, she even dared point out that cuts to Australia’s emissions would make no difference. For one, China and India, the world’s biggest and third biggest emitters, were ramping up their own huge emissions.

Oh dear. Extremists in her audience protested, and with an Age reporter on her tail, Harkin had to grovel: “I accept my language was clumsy”.

No, Colleen. You spoke true.

Of course the world is not about to implode. People are living longer and eating better. World food crops keep setting new records, and we raise more meat.

For children to be left hyperventilating in terror when the world’s never been richer and better fed is the kind of paranoid narcissism over which Prince Harry and Meghan Markle reign. Picture: AFP
For children to be left hyperventilating in terror when the world’s never been richer and better fed is the kind of paranoid narcissism over which Prince Harry and Meghan Markle reign. Picture: AFP

The tiny increase in temperature we’ve seen seems to be giving us a greener world, more rain and fewer cyclones, at least in our region.

Yet we have crying children on school strikes, near hysterical with fear. Teenagers announce they’re too scared to have children, and there’s even an organisation – Birthstrikers – of women who are refusing to give birth in a world they somehow hallucinate is now too dangerous.

So, yes, for children to be left hyperventilating in terror when the world’s never been richer and better fed is indeed child abuse.

It’s also the kind of paranoid narcissism over which Prince Harry and Meghan Markle royally reign.

But Canavan’s truth bomb caused the biggest explosion. The Nationals MP told the ABC “the net zero thing is all sort of dead”.

Net zero emissions of carbon dioxide is the target more than 70 countries, including China and Australia, and of course Canavan is right to doubt it, even though he’s been disowned by his Prime Minister and told by his colleagues to “pull your head in”.

As Canavan says – and Harkin noted – tiny Australia may be trying to cut its emissions at huge cost, but around the world there’s a frantic scramble to find even more coal, and burn it.

Britain, desperately short of electricity, has paid its last coal-fired power plants a fortune to stay open for longer. It’s also called for more gas exploration and is reconsidering its ban on fracking.

Colleen Harkin even dared point out that cuts to Australia’s emissions would make no difference. Picture: Nicole Cleary
Colleen Harkin even dared point out that cuts to Australia’s emissions would make no difference. Picture: Nicole Cleary

Italy says it may have to reopen old coal-fired stations, and Czechia, Bulgaria, Romania and Germany have also indicated they’ll have to burn more coal rather than pay blood money to keep using Russia’s gas.

China’s leaders, shocked by huge blackouts last year, have ordered more coal be mined and burned, and India two weeks ago reported a massive jump in coal supplies for its electricity network – nearly 25 per cent this financial year. To hell with net zero.

But in Australia, we’re quarrelling like megalomaniacs over cuts to our own insignificant emissions, as if we could cool the planet and lower the seas all by ourselves.

Sadly, I don’t exaggerate.

The Age last week ruled that “Labor would be less of a climate wrecker than the Coalition”, pretending either had the power to change the world’s temperature.

How mad must you be to believe such a colossal lie?

Even former Chief Scientist Alan Finkel, a diehard warmist, had to admit that even if we shut off Australia completely – every car, plane and power station – the effect on the climate would be “virtually nothing”.

But don’t question the religion! Don’t you dare tell the truth.

Originally published as Andrew Bolt: Global warming denial now blasphemy by Libs

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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