
Andrew Bolt: Cowardly university leaders allow pro-Hamas ferals to run wild

The gutless leaders of Australia’s universities are quick to call out offensive use of incorrect pronouns but go into hiding when staff and students dress up as Palestinian radicals and act like barbarians.

When adults are cowards, the children and ferals rule. So shame on the gutless leaders of our universities for hiding while their students and even staff dress up as Palestinian radicals and act like barbarians.

Here are just six examples of the depravity we’re now seeing on our campuses.

Just two days after Hamas terrorists started a war by slaughtering 1200 Israelis, raping women, shooting children, beheading men and kidnapping 153 people, Sydney University senior lecturer Nick Riemer marched to disrupt a commemoration at the Sydney Opera House for the victims, declaring “resistance is justified”.

He also tweeted: “No progressive should feel the need to publicly condemn any choices by the Palestinian resistance. Doing so just adds to the perception that their cause is unjust”.

Pro-Palestine protesters at Melbourne University earlier this week. Picture: Jason Edwards
Pro-Palestine protesters at Melbourne University earlier this week. Picture: Jason Edwards

Yes, Sydney University employs an academic who refuses to condemn even the rape, mutilation and murder of Jewish women. It’s said nothing publicly about disciplining him.

There’s more. Fahad Ali, a sessional academic at Sydney University, at that same rally told the mob: “I’m not going to stand before you and shed tears over the settlers”.

Yes, Sydney University employs an academic who has no pity for even children – Jewish children – massacred by terrorists. It’s said nothing about disciplining him.

Another example. Randa Abdel-Fattah is a Macquarie University academic who’s encouraged young children at an anti-Israel protest at Sydney University to chant for “intifada” and the destruction of Israel “from the river to the sea”.

A pro-Palestine encampment at Melbourne University. Picture: Blair Jackson
A pro-Palestine encampment at Melbourne University. Picture: Blair Jackson

She’s refused to condemn the murder of a Melbourne restaurateur by a Muslim extremist, said she wants “to ensure that every space Zionists enter is culturally unsafe for them”, and shared a poster of a Palestinian terrorist who’d “inspired her” – Dalal Mughrabi, who joined a terrorist raid on Israel which slaughtered 38 civilians, including 13 children.

Yes, Macquarie University employs an academic “inspired” by a child-murdering Islamic terrorist and who now encourages primary school children chanting for attacks on Israel. It’s investigating only her interaction with the children.

Sydney University’s vice-chancellor, Mark Scott, at least said he was “shocked” that children chanted war cries at his university, yet insisted that calls for “intifada” – a name given to two great waves of terrorist attacks on Israel – did not necessarily constitute breaches of his university’s code of conduct.

There’s more. Last week, a student leader of an anti-Israel protest at the Australian National University told ABC radio she supported Hamas “unconditionally” and would not condemn its murders and rape of Jews on October 7. Nor would the student union’s education officer.

Jewish Israel supporters and pro-Palestine supports face off at Melbourne University. Picture: Jason Edwards
Jewish Israel supporters and pro-Palestine supports face off at Melbourne University. Picture: Jason Edwards

Yes, the ANU tolerates a student occupation led by pupils who “unconditionally” support a banned terrorist group. It did eventually claim it had “disciplined” the first student, without saying how, giving no clear signal of deterrence to other students.

On it goes. At Melbourne University, anti-Israel extremists – many masked – set up an unlawful tent protest on campus, harassed the vice-chancellor as he walked to work, and set off fire alarms and amplified chants of abuse outside his office.

Yes, Melbourne University tolerates a protest that Jewish students especially say is intimidating. Instead, the vice-chancellor has now announced his early resignation.

Last week, a gang of up to 100 men – many bearded or in Arab clothing, and some masked – chanted and carried Islamic and Palestinian flags through Sydney University.

Yes, Sydney University is now treated as a contested space for an aggressive religion. The university said only that this clearly intimidatory invasion was “part of a peaceful procession”.

The trend is frighteningly clear. Universities are allowing radical staff, students and campus invaders to endorse mass murder and rape, or chant genocidal war cries or intimidate Jewish students.

And what do the chancellors of our top eight universities do? About the radicals chanting support for Israel to be destroyed, they have belatedly said (only) this; “The Group of Eight universities completely understand that these phrases are deeply offensive, hurtful and distressing and we would prefer that they were not used ... but the fact remains they are not unlawful.”

But since when did universities act only on opinions that were “not unlawful”?

Universities now have codes of conduct that are laughably punitive in woke causes, including ‘inclusive language guides’ that insist on using “correct” pronouns, like a he for a she for someone who decides they’ve switched gender.

But calling for the destruction of Israel and defending the slaughter of 1200 Jews seems not to offend any university code.

Oh, the cowards. How they hide from this battle for our civilisation.

Originally published as Andrew Bolt: Cowardly university leaders allow pro-Hamas ferals to run wild

Andrew Bolt
Andrew BoltColumnist

With a proven track record of driving the news cycle, Andrew Bolt steers discussion, encourages debate and offers his perspective on national affairs. A leading journalist and commentator, Andrew’s columns are published in the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph and Advertiser. He writes Australia's most-read political blog and hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at 7.00pm Monday to Thursday.

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