

What readers had to say about Gladys Berejiklian’s decision to resign

Just over a day on from Gladys Berejiklian’s shock resignation, the outpouring of support from voters was astonishing. Here’s a selection of what our readers had to say.

A look back at Gladys Berejiklian’s ICAC saga

There has been an astonishing outpouring of emotion from NSW voters and readers of our website. There is no denying that Gladys Berejiklian will be missed as Premier of NSW.

I would back Gladys’s integrity above those about to question her. She is a decent person and will be a tremendous loss to the state.

Nick Bignell

Green Point

Ms Berejiklian has poured her heart and soul into her governance of NSW, but was undone by giving her heart to the wrong man at the wrong time. Australia can ill-afford to lose a leader like Gladys.

Douglas Mackenzie

Deakin, ACT

There’s a lot at stake with the ICAC investigation into the supposed exposure to corrupt activity of the much-admired and respected NSW Premier. ICAC which seemed to be a good idea, has to many been an abject failure. Three Liberal premiers stood down and the biggest catch they have found was an undeclared bottle of Grange! And the Victim? The respected Barry O’Farrell is now a High Commissioner in India. ICAC has cost the NSW taxpayers millions of dollars since it started. Their inquiry into the best Premier NSW has ever had would need to be a humdinger to justify their decision.

Brad Probert


Lucy Lennon, Elise Dixon and Mim Dixon, supporters of outgoing NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian at her Northbridge office. . Picture: Richard Dobson
Lucy Lennon, Elise Dixon and Mim Dixon, supporters of outgoing NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian at her Northbridge office. . Picture: Richard Dobson

Although I live south of the border, my heart is very heavy with the resignation of Premier Gladys Berejiklian. During the past 18 months, she has simply been the standout leader in Australia among all the Premiers and chief ministers, empathetically demonstrating concern for people’s lives and livelihoods.

Indeed, whereas other state leaders have hardened their hearts and callously shut their borders on the back of a resident sneezing, there is a sense in which Berejiklian had to implement lockdowns kicking and screaming, as she rightly understood how socially destructive they are.

Berejiklian also demonstrated refreshing maturity in being the first state leader to affirm that we simply had to learn to live with the virus, and thus would not allow public policy to be solely determined by the all-consuming daily cases numbers.

Small wonder therefore that NSW has led the charge in vaccinations. She has led the most populous state and taken the lion’s share of returned international travellers. When mistakes were made concerning the Ruby Princess affair, she admitted to being in the wrong and rightly promised to do better.

Contrast that attitude to Victoria, where our own respective Premier has not once admitted to any wrongdoing in our Covid crisis, but rather obfuscated and largely blamed the citizenry or let other public servants take the fall. Regardless of the ICAC findings, Berejiklian was indeed raised up for such a time as this – two of the most disorientating years in our nation’s civil history – and will be remembered with great fondness. Australia has now lamentably lost a yardstick for the other state and territory leaders to emulate and we are now all the poorer for it.

Peter Waterhouse

Craigieburn, Victoria

The resignation of NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian is a huge loss for the state of NSW (and for Australia). She has been the most impressive Premier in Australia during the current (and past) crises that we have been confronted with.

Let us all hope that should the ICAC inquiry find that she has nothing to answer for, those who brought on this inquiry, will also resign or, if not, be sacked.

C.H. Ainsworth


Gladys will be cleared by ICAC, having taken two years off, and will return to a safe federal seat as a (shadow) cabinet minister in opposition following Morrison’s defeat.

The following election, she will rise rapidly with a groundswell of support to be Australia’s first Liberal woman Prime Minister

John Partridge

Balgowlah Heights


Gladys Berejiklian at a media conference to announce her resignation Picture: NCA NewsWire / Jeremy Piper
Gladys Berejiklian at a media conference to announce her resignation Picture: NCA NewsWire / Jeremy Piper

So will there be a royal commission into ICAC once Gladys is cleared of any wrongdoing? NSW just lost the greatest Premier we’ve ever had and ever will have.

Henry Tadevosian

Bella Vista

Oh no, another witch hunt. Who cares what the ICAC says, she can’t give up just because of what her ex did. Please everyone show how we care because she is the best we ever had.



What a disgrace. They’d better have a good case. She has been outstanding in all aspects, so much so that so that the ICAC should overlook any case against her unless it is extremely criminal. She is the loveliest of human beings and this attempt to challenge her honesty seems pitiful.

Alex Jeffries


Dear Gladys, thank you for your service to NSW. Best wishes for your future.

Bruce McAlpine


Well what a sad day for NSW politics and leadership. Our Premier Gladys Berejiklian, who has had the thankless job of steering us through almost two years of Covid hell and has done a better job than any other state Premier at protecting her state, it’s people and economy, has been forced out by these suits at ICAC.

Leanne Greedy


Today is a very sad day for NSW. Gladys Berejiklian has been an outstanding leader in the most difficult circumstances over the past two years in our state. She has shown incredible leadership in steering the state through the bushfires and Covid-19. Under the most difficult circumstances she has shown strong leadership. We wish her well in her future endeavours, she deserves every success. We will miss her guidance through the pandemic!

Bev Solsky


Well wishers visit Gladys Berejiklian's home in Northbrige after her shock resignation. Picture: Sam Ruttyn
Well wishers visit Gladys Berejiklian's home in Northbrige after her shock resignation. Picture: Sam Ruttyn

Congratulations for a job well done, Gladys. You’ve shown more balls than most male Premiers this country has seen.

Darrell Hinga

It is not for me to argue the matters that moved Gladys Berejiklian to resign as Premier. However, I do know good Labor friends who are not happy about it, despite it being a blow for the Liberals.

Geoff Hinds


What a tragic day for NSW. Gladys has been one of the best Premiers of NSW since the 1970s. She admirably guided the state through one of its most stressing historic events, post-War, with the ongoing Covid pandemic.

To see her resign over a minor relationship, with questionable ICAC scrutiny, is redolent of Barry O’Farrell’s resignation as Premier over a trivial bottle of wine. Given the paucity of quality politicians within Australia, and in this state in particular, the demise of Gladys is a massive blow.

Bob Barnes


Premier Gladys Berejiklian resigns as Premier of NSW and regrets she cannot finish the job she so loves and enjoys. What big shoes to fill. Politics at times is very spiteful. Thank you so much Gladys, you have led NSW with courage and intelligence. You will be missed in parliament and by the people of NSW.

Ron Brown


I feel absolutely gutted with the resignation of Premier Gladys Berejiklian. She was the best Premier by a country mile, was a dedicated hard worker for the people of NSW, was the best person to lead us through the uncharted waters of the pandemic and we are all the poorer as she leaves. It will be difficult to replace her.

Marg Swindells

Castle Hill

Flowers pictured outside Gladys Berejiklian's office in Northbridge. Picture by Damian Shaw
Flowers pictured outside Gladys Berejiklian's office in Northbridge. Picture by Damian Shaw

Thank you to our former Premier Gladys Berejiklian for your leadership and your personal strength to resign under difficult circumstances. ScoMo, you couldn’t make a better “captain’s pick” than by encouraging Gladys to join the Libs in federal politics.

Ray Abé

Kellyville Ridge

Gladys, you have been our queen, Drama upon drama never to be seen.

Thankyou so much, For your NSW touch.

Enjoy your rest, We give you our best.

Vivien Sale

Ettalong Beach

Gladys Berejiklian has worked long and hard and well. She has steered us, in NSW, through a time of crisis, in a manner that is exemplary. I personally consider her the best Premier we in NSW have ever had.

I know her parliamentary pension is dependent on her having served for five years and that she has done four and a half years. Surely she deserves to get it, as a “thank you” to her from the people she has cared for and worked so hard for.

Amy Dutton

With the resignation of Gladys Berejiklian, NSW has lost its rock. Hopefully in the fullness of time, we will have her reappear in the federal government.

P. Way


Gladys Berejiklian departs after her final press conference. Picture: Bianca De Marchi – Pool/Getty Images
Gladys Berejiklian departs after her final press conference. Picture: Bianca De Marchi – Pool/Getty Images

How very sad that Gladys is no longer our Premier. Here is a woman who sincerely cared about the people of NSW. Her standards, compassion and leadership has made her the best premier in Australia. A woman of ethics. We will feel the loss of her resignation deeply.

Jean Steendam

Sunshine Bay

As Obi-Wan Kenobi may have said, “I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of (NSW) voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced’’ with the not so phantom menace of ICAC silencing the great gladiator, Premier Gladys Berejiklian almost in mid-sentence.

Peter Penglis

Kambah, ACT

A quote in a little book I have says: “Every day when you go to work you have two options: be focused, passionate and productive, or act like most other people.” Gladys, the first option fits you to a tee. You exercised it with panache.

Patricia Perrett


Can we start a public campaign to keep Gladys as our Premier? People power. #GladysStay

Colleen, online

A sad day in our state’s history. Thank you for all you’ve done, Gladys. Hold your head high.

Molly, online

Best Premier NSW has ever had by far. Gladys you will be missed. You are irreplaceable.

Mrs P, Online

She was the best leader in the state and nation. NSW will never be the same.

Donna, online

Never been a Liberal supporter, but I will definitely miss her leadership of NSW. It has gotten us through a lot these past couple of years, and I thank her for it.

Debbie, online

Thank you for being a voice of reason to all Australians. You have done your country and state proud! Enjoy a well-earned break and feel free to come to Queensland as we need you! And the weather’s better.

Deborah, online

Sad to see you go Gladys. You have been a beacon of common sense and strength during the past 18 months. Farewell.

Simon, online

The state of NSW and indeed Australia have lost a noble leader today. Thank you, Premier, for your outstanding service. Sadly, Queensland’s small “p” premier could never stand in your shadow which is why we can never compete with the world as NSW has under your grand leadership.

Ira, online

I wish you well Gladys. You certainly cared for the people of NSW and treated them with respect. I live in Queensland and our Premier could well take a leaf out of your book of leadership. I do hope this is just a break as a politician such as yourself should not be lost to the Australian people.

Maree, online

It is rare for a Premier leaving office in such circumstances to have an endorsement like that from an Opposition Leader and to have such universal acclaim. Well done, Gladys, you can be proud of your efforts.

Richard, online

Flowers left at Gladys Berejiklian’s home in Northbridge. Picture: Sam Ruttyn
Flowers left at Gladys Berejiklian’s home in Northbridge. Picture: Sam Ruttyn

Gladys, you are the most genuine and effective Premier in Australia, who has done the best job. Best wishes, good luck, you can be proud of yourself. You are the wrong Premier
to resign.

Dot, online

Thank you Gladys for your earnest work for NSW. Have a rest and enjoy whatever your life brings in the future. Your leadership and hard work will be missed.

David, online

What a sad day for NSW. Gladys you have always stood behind us and guided us through some of our worst times and I believe with you guiding us we would of got out the other side better for it. You deserve better then this and I certainly hope you find it.

Colin, online

Speaking as a Queenslander, Gladys Berejiklian has led her state with distinction. No spin, no hiding behind others, just admirable leadership with the best interests of others guiding her, not the next election cycle. Good for you, Gladys, you have done your part and done it well.

Dasher, online

A true leader shines during turbulent times. Gladys shone through both the good and bad times. Sad to see you go.

John Claude Tadros, online

I am extremely shocked and saddened by this. You have been a strong Premier and always a woman willing to go the hard yards. I wish you well, you will be missed.

Maria Pteris

Read related topics:Gladys Berejiklian

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