
Vincent Stanford: Stephanie Scott’s accused killer yet to enter plea

THE accused murderer of Leeton schoolteacher Stephanie Scott is waiting for a report which will “have a bearing” on how he pleads to the charges against him, a court has been told.

Ms Scott’s body was discovered in the Cocoparra National Park, 70km from Leeton where she was last seen alive.
Ms Scott’s body was discovered in the Cocoparra National Park, 70km from Leeton where she was last seen alive.

THE accused murderer of Leeton schoolteacher Stephanie Scott is waiting for a report which will “have a bearing” on how he pleads to the charges against him, a court has been told.

Twins Vincent and Marcus Stanford both appeared in the NSW Supreme Court this morning on videolink from separate jails.

Marcus Stanford, 24, has already pleaded guilty in the local court to being an accessory after the fact of the 26 year old bride to be’s murder in April last year.

Vincent is yet to enter a plea to charges of murder and sexual assault, but was committed to stand trial in Griffith Local Court in March.

The Supreme Court heard today that setting a date for Marcus Stanford to be sentenced hinges on developments with the case against his twin, who was arrested the day before Ms Scott’s body was discovered in the Cocoparra National Park, 70km from Leeton where she was last seen alive preparing lessons plans ahead of her honeymoon.

The counsel for Vincent Stanford told Justice Peter Johnson “there is outstanding a report ...[that and a second report] will have a bearing on the way this man pleads.”

Flashback: Leeton High School as students returned to school, after the death of Stephanie Scott. Picture: Rocco Pirrottina
Flashback: Leeton High School as students returned to school, after the death of Stephanie Scott. Picture: Rocco Pirrottina
The ground on Whitton Stock Route Road in Cocoparra National Park where Stephanie Scott's body was found. Picture: Adam Taylor
The ground on Whitton Stock Route Road in Cocoparra National Park where Stephanie Scott's body was found. Picture: Adam Taylor

He said the “position” of how Stanford pleads will be clear by July.

The sentencing date of Marcus Stanford can be fixed “once the position on the second matter [Vincent Stanford] is confirmed,”, the court heard.

Court documents tendered in the last appearance for both brothers stated that there were email invoices for purchases by Vincent of a knife, plastic handcuffs, viagra, cleaning products and a training sword.

It has also been alleged that Vincent mailed Ms Scott’s engagement ring to his twin in South Australia after murdering the English and drama teacher, whose remains were found the day before she was due to be married.

Both men will appear on videolink when the case returns to the Supreme Court on July 1.

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