
OPINION: Time to stop the nastiness in hospital debate

Editor's Desk: Social media sniping must stop

UPSET: Col Brooks and Dion Andrews from the Combined Tweed Rural Industries Inc copped serious flak on social media after daring to propose a rooftop garden for the new hospital. Picture: Scott Powick
UPSET: Col Brooks and Dion Andrews from the Combined Tweed Rural Industries Inc copped serious flak on social media after daring to propose a rooftop garden for the new hospital. Picture: Scott Powick

EDITOR'S DESK with Nikki Todd

AS JOURNALISTS, we are used to copping abuse from readers if a report we have written does not sit well with them. Over time, we grow thicker skins and continue to strive to do the best we can.

The same goes for politicians - they are continuously denigrated in the public arena for taking a stance some may disagree with.

Our own mayor Katie Milne is a perfect example. She is continually bad- mouthed by those opposed to her Greens agenda, often unfairly. Cr Milne was elected on a Greens platform and she has stayed true to her beliefs since day one - whether those around her like it or not. But she is an elected politician and public scrutiny comes with the privilege of such a position. Those in the game know the deal before entering politics.

But the level of sniping and nastiness that has beset our public discourse over the new Tweed Valley Hospital - particularly on social media - has reached unacceptable levels.

While the issue is very close to people's hearts, that does not excuse them from acting without manners.

There is no need to slander people or label them twits, idiots, corrupt or whatever else comes to mind of the keyboard warrior.

We continually call on our children to refrain from bullying, particularly online, the same principles apply to adults. We're better than all that.

It's time to stop the division and heal our community. The Tweed is an incredible place to live, let's keep it that way.

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