
The seven craziest Game Of Thrones theories that could come true in Season Seven

Right now everyone is wondering what is going to happen on the next season of Game Of Thones. Here’s seven fan-favourite theories that we rate on the dragon scale of believability.

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For years fans have been theorising that Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, in what is known as “the R+L=J theory”.

Now that it is all but confirmed, perhaps it is time to look at some of the other crazier fan theories, which might just turn out to be true too.

So will they come true? We rate them on the Daenerys dragon scale (groan!) of believability.

One Daenerys dragon means it is might happen but is rather unlikely.

Two Daenerys dragons means it is plausible, although it might be a red herring.

Three Daenerys dragons means we reckon it will happen.

1. Meera Reed is Jon Snow’s sister

Is Meera Reed Jon Snow’s sister?
Is Meera Reed Jon Snow’s sister?

Ned Stark ran up the stairs of the Tower of Joy to find his sister had given birth to Jon Snow. But Meera Reed’s father Howland was with him at the Tower. Did he follow Ned up? Is there a twin waiting in the wings? Meera is the same age as Jon Snow and remember that outside the Cave one of the Children of the Forest (Leaf) told Meera that her destiny was not over. Does Meera have a bigger purpose than just dragging Bran around?

Jon Snow does have Meera’s curly black hair...
Jon Snow does have Meera’s curly black hair...

Maybe Lyanna Stark had twins and Ned and Howland split the children up and raised them separately. They do have similar black curly hair. Just as Ned never spoke about Jon’s mother, Howland never told his children about the Tower of Joy ... Furthering the theory is that Harry Potter actor Jim Broadbent has definitely been cast in Season 7 with rumours that he will play Howland Reed.

Daenerys Dragon rating: TWO

2. The ”Kingslayer” will become “The Queenslayer”

Will this be the season where Jaime Lannister stops shagging Cersei and starts stabbing her instead?
Will this be the season where Jaime Lannister stops shagging Cersei and starts stabbing her instead?

This theory has a lot of merit. Cersei has to be stopped and Kingslayer Jaime famously killed the last king who threatened to “burn them all” with his wildfire. Now he’s returned to King’s Landing to find Cersei has found Aerys’ cache of the green stuff and done just that — spectacularly blowing up the Sept of Baelor and everyone within a mile radius. Back in Season 5, we saw a flashback of a young Cersei visiting a fortune teller who told her that she would be Queen, but all her children would die before her. She was right. What the TV series didn’t include was a line from the books that Cersei would be herself be strangled by “The Valonqar”, which translates to Little Brother. Maybe the writers of the show left this line out as it gives too much away. The prediction gave Cersei yet another reason to hate Tyrion her whole life, but her twin Jaime is actually her little brother too — Cersei was born first. Jaime’s journey through Westeros with Brienne saw him grow some character, possibly on his way to redemption. Maybe killing Cersei will mark the end of his obsession with her and he’ll ride off into the sunset with Brienne of Tarth.

Daenerys Dragon rating: Three

3. Jon Snow will fall in love with Daenerys … and then kill her

Is Daenerys Targaryen doomed to die at the hands of Jon Snow, her half-brother?
Is Daenerys Targaryen doomed to die at the hands of Jon Snow, her half-brother?

Jon Snow and Daenerys would totally win a Hottest Couple poll if Westeros had a yearbook. Who cares that they’re actually related – they’re Targaryens. They’d use their power to take over Westeros and live happily ever after having lots of little princes and princesses. Except ... Dany can’t have children according to Mirri Maz Duur, the healer who tried to save Khal Drogo and delivered Dany’s baby and was burnt alive for her efforts. Happily Ever After doesn’t exist in a world where people are constantly murdered at weddings. The legend goes that thousands of years ago Azor Ahai drove his sword through his beloved wife’s heart to combine her blood and soul with the steel, creating his magic sword Lightbringer, which would make monsters burst into flames. The prophecy is that after a “long summer” the Lord of Light R’hllor will ressurect Azor Ahai to fight the Others, which is why all the red priests and priestesses are obsessed with finding the “the prince that was promised”. If Jon Snow is Azor Ahai reborn, as Melisandre now believes, he is going to need a magic sword to fight those White Walkers. Daenerys herself was told in the House of the Undying that she would suffer three betrayals: “once for Gold” (sounds like Ser Jorah Mormont selling her secrets), “once for Love” (sounds like Mirri Maz Duur destroying Drogo) and “Once for Blood” … which sounds like exactly like Jon Snow stabbing her through the heart to use blood magic.

Daenerys Dragon rating: THREE

4. Brienne of Tarth is the Prince(ss) who was promised

Is Brienne of Tarth a Targaryen ruler-in-waiting?
Is Brienne of Tarth a Targaryen ruler-in-waiting?

The family tree is way too complex to explain here, suffice to say “it’s a book thing”, but Brienne is actually a Targaryen. She has a bit of a Despicable Me Minion-esque need to serve, which would make her an unlikely royal but Brienne’s still-living father Lord Selwyn could actually be King. For this theory to be correct neither Daenerys nor Jon Snow could have a legitimate claim. At the moment, we assume that Lyanna Stark was not wed to Rhaegar, which still makes Jon a bastard. Again “it’s a book thing” but there are previous Council rulings that descendants of the mad are ineligible to rule, which would firmly put Dany out of the running since her father was “The Mad King”, leaving us with just Lord Selwyn and Brienne. She is possibly one of the best fighters in Westeros, we’ve seen her nearly destroy both the Hound and Jaime Lannister before he was maimed. We could totally see her smashing a few White Walkers with a flaming Oathkeeper.

Daenerys Dragon rating: TWO

5. It’s ALL Bran’s fault

Oh Bran, first you killed Hodor and now maybe you sent King Aerys mad.
Oh Bran, first you killed Hodor and now maybe you sent King Aerys mad.

So Bran can look back through time and affect the past (Hold the door, anyone?)

The theory is that Bran will go back to the time of King Aerys to try to stop him roasting his greatfather Lord Rickard and uncle Brandon, which startied Robert’s Rebellion. But trying to communicate with King Aerys will literally send the king mad, which is what really kicked off all the trouble in the first place. Aerys’ “Burn them all” catchphrase could have been something he heard via Bran such as Daenerys telling her dragons to burn the White Walkers. Or advice to stop the dead reanimating. Maybe Burn the Wall? Having started all the drama, Bran has to fix it. Somehow.

Daenerys Dragon rating: ONE

6. The White Walkers are the good guys

Are the Walkers just misunderstood? Or does that theory leave you cold?
Are the Walkers just misunderstood? Or does that theory leave you cold?

George RR Martin himself has said the White Walkers are misunderstood. They all used to be human, they need humans to keep their species going, so why would they want to destroy all the Men? Sure, they do like to dismember people and arrnage them in weird shapes but hey, who doesn’t?

The opposing side — Melisandre’s Rh’llor, the Lord of Light — isn’t actually a good guy. After a few leech sacrifices, he helped Melisandre and Stannis out with the deaths of the “usurpers” Renly, Joffrey, Robb Stark and Baelon Greyjoy and then seemed to specifically request a little girl be burned alive. None of these actions are those of a pure god. And, while everyone expects Dany’s Dragons to battle the White Walkers, the dragons have their dark side — they cook and eat people. Sure the White Walkers have killed loads of wildlings, but they deserved it. Wildlings can be some pretty nasty people — just ask Olly what happened to his parents — sliced and diced and eaten up on a Wildling barbecue. Perhaps the poor White Walkers just want to get in from the cold, and wouldn’t you too after 12,000 years trapped in the snow?

Daenerys Dragon rating: ONE

7. Sansa Stark is pregnant

Please, tell me you’re not carrying Ramsay’s baby ... Theon Greyjoy and Sansa Stark.
Please, tell me you’re not carrying Ramsay’s baby ... Theon Greyjoy and Sansa Stark.

Ramsay Bolton’s goal with was to have a heir with Sansa, so it’s not unbelievable that he might have succeeded, with Sansa telling Baelish: “I can still feel what he did in my body, standing here right now”. Before he was fed to the dogs, Ramsay’s last words were: “I’m a part of you now”. If Sansa is pregnant, the baby would be heir. She could adopt the Flayed Man sigil and move to the Dreadfort where baby “Damian” could torture all his toys. Or maybe the baby is really Baelish’s, as she was getting pretty friendly with him before she returned to Winterfell (ewww!). The timelines don’t make a lot of sense but neither did Varys going to Dorne and back or Arya going from Braavos to Westeros in the finale.

Daenerys Dragon rating: THREE

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