
The events leading up to the deadly Bourke St Mall attack in Melbourne CBD

THE carnage at Bourke St Mall in Melbourne started with blood. Family blood. And it ended in blood — the blood of innocent shoppers.

Bloody Vic rampage started with a stabbing

IT LOOKS like a regular hoon; tearing down suburban streets, fishtailing his Red Commodore from left to right, and pulling off a few daring doughnuts in front of crowds of shoppers.

But these acts, reckless and brazen, are meek compared to the violence that proceeds it, and the sheer horror that would come.

It starts with blood. Family blood. A brutal fist fight between waring brothers outside in the pouring rain that culminated in a stabbing.

The driver, who is believed to have been involved in a stabbing incident earlier in the day, leans out of the window before driving on to a footpath crowded with shoppers at Bourke St Mall. Picture: Tony Gough
The driver, who is believed to have been involved in a stabbing incident earlier in the day, leans out of the window before driving on to a footpath crowded with shoppers at Bourke St Mall. Picture: Tony Gough
The mangled red Holden with the bucket section of the dead baby’s pram wedged into its bonnet after it came to rest in Bourke Street. Picture: David Caird
The mangled red Holden with the bucket section of the dead baby’s pram wedged into its bonnet after it came to rest in Bourke Street. Picture: David Caird
Heavily armed police arrive at the mall. Picture: Alex Coppel
Heavily armed police arrive at the mall. Picture: Alex Coppel

It ends in blood. The blood of innocent shoppers, flung high into the air, bundled over by a speeding car, a madman at the wheel. Four of them dead, including a child.

Fresh from stabbing his brother in the South Melbourne suburb of Windsor, this violent hoon blitzes the city streets, hurtling his Commodore through red lights, weaving dangerously through traffic and charging away from pursuing police who are forced to pull back for safety.

There is a woman in the car. It is not clear whether she is a willing party or a hostage, but she wants out.

The Commodore screams to a halt on the Bolte Bridge where she opens the door and breaks free, before the driver speeds off towards the city.

It is here where madness and recklessness becomes deadly.

In front of the grand Flinders Street Station facade, the 26-year-old at the wheel, boasting a history of family violence, turns his hate towards strangers. Shoppers. Kids. Anyone.

Melbourne car chase suspect before pursuit

A few random doughnuts through the intersection, tyres screeching, smoke at the wheels, and the driver is shouting out the window.

People don’t run. They stare, unaware that this act of lunacy is about to escalate. Some reach for their phones to record.

How the incident unfolded.
How the incident unfolded.

At one point, two blokes try and intervene, one armed with a baseball bat, but both are unsuccessful.

“He was shouting, hanging out of the car and pointing his finger” horse carriage driver Jessica Kershaw said.

“People were trying to stop him”. Ms Kershaw said that the man seemed to be shouting phrases like “f... the homeless people”.

“It looked like he was skidding out of control, but he just kept going” she said.

A pram left at the corner of Bourke and William streets. Picture: Picture: AAP Image/Julian Smith
A pram left at the corner of Bourke and William streets. Picture: Picture: AAP Image/Julian Smith

Without warning, he turns his car into a weapon and begins his deadly rampage, tearing up Swanston St, weaving across footpaths before reaching the Bourke St Mall and turning left.

He barrels down the mall at speed, chasing terrified people into shops and mows the unlucky and unsuspecting down.

One woman dashes into convenience store, hands covering her ears in terror. She is followed by another, who grips the doorway of the shop for just a split second and looks back over her shoulder before racing inside.

The alleged driver shot by police lies on the ground in pain guarded by police outside 535 Bourke Street. Picture: David Caird
The alleged driver shot by police lies on the ground in pain guarded by police outside 535 Bourke Street. Picture: David Caird

A third woman hurls herself around the corner and the car comes into view, a streak of maroon across the CCTV frame.

Street performer Jordan Doust, 22, was mid way through a magic show on Bourke St when the chaos started to unfold.

“He drove onto the footpath from the tram tracks and started to go for people. They were running and screaming and about 20 cops chasing up behind him,” he said.

“It was frantic and the people were trying to get out of the way.”

The alleged driver was arrested in just his red underpants after being dragged from the Holden. Picture: Twitter/@PeterK0243
The alleged driver was arrested in just his red underpants after being dragged from the Holden. Picture: Twitter/@PeterK0243

Through the Elizabeth St intersection, his deadly act becomes near unfathomable — putting a mum and her bub in his sights and pressing down on his accelerator.

By the time the battered car is brought to a stop outside 501 Bourke St, a horrifying picture had emerged.

A police operation on Bourke Street in the Melbourne CBD today. Picture: Twitter
A police operation on Bourke Street in the Melbourne CBD today. Picture: Twitter

A pram is overturned, its tender occupant missing. A man in ripped business clothes is splattered in blood. A group of terrified young people huddle together on the ground. Strangers work to revive strangers as their lives ebb away.

Emergency workers scramble to deal with the injured in the aftermath Picture. Tony Gough
Emergency workers scramble to deal with the injured in the aftermath Picture. Tony Gough
A young girl is treated at the scene, while an umbrella is held over her to protect from the sun. Picture: Tony Gough
A young girl is treated at the scene, while an umbrella is held over her to protect from the sun. Picture: Tony Gough
A distressed woman is comforted leaving the scene at Bourke St. Picture: David Geraghty
A distressed woman is comforted leaving the scene at Bourke St. Picture: David Geraghty
Stunned locals in Melbourne CBD try to work out exactly what just happened. Picture: Alex Coppel
Stunned locals in Melbourne CBD try to work out exactly what just happened. Picture: Alex Coppel

And this typical, carefree Melbourne day has turned to hell.

Former police chief Christine Nixon says she rushed to an upside down stroller after narrowly escaping an out-of-control car driving down the footpath in Bourke Street.

“I thought the child may have still been in the stroller but it wasn’t and the mother came up and I said where is your child and the mother said I don’t know,” Ms Nixon said.

The number of dead and injured are still being counted as sirens blare.

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