

Political wannabes offer $1000 for Upper House candidates at NSW state election

Would you run in the state election for quick cash? That’s what one political wannabe is offering punters to run with him at the upcoming state election.

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Political wannabes are paying punters up to a thousand dollars each to run as independent candidates for the Upper House less than two weeks out of the state election.

The Daily Telegraph can reveal that a poster used popular freelance platform Airtasker to get people of “good character” to become candidates in the Legislative Council for a $1000 while also paying people $50 to nominate them as a candidate.

The NSW electoral commission requires anyone vying for their name on a ballot paper to either be nominated by a registered political party or by 25 electors.

The first task posted by the user was titled “I need seven candidates to stand with me in the Legislative Council” with the price listed as $1000 for each running mate.

“I need the person to nominate as a candidate for the Legislative Council. They need to complete the nomination form, Children’s declaration and get the signatures of 25 people who registered to vote,” it said.

They offered to pay people $50 to nominate them as a candidate. Picture: Supplied
They offered to pay people $50 to nominate them as a candidate. Picture: Supplied

“The person needs to be registered to vote in NSW and be of good character. The fee of $1000 will be paid to Airtasker on 3rd March but not released until 6pm 25th March 2023. The fee of $1000 is per person.”

The same person also advertised for 53 NSW voters to sign the forms of “a group of independents”.

“A number of candidates for the NSW State Election need nominations from NSW registered voters. You are not being asked to join a party,” the second post said.

The poster used Airtasker to try and lure candidates. Picture: Supplied
The poster used Airtasker to try and lure candidates. Picture: Supplied

A spokesman for the NSW Electoral Commission said offering money for nominations could be a breach of the guidelines.

“The offer of a benefit to influence a person’s election conduct may be an offence under section 209 of the Electoral Act 2017.”

The guidelines warn those in breach could land in jail for up to three years.

“A person must not, in order to influence or affect any person’s election conduct, give or confer, or promise or offer to give or confer, any property or any other benefit of any kind to the person or any other person. Maximum penalty—200 penalty units or imprisonment for 3 years, or both.”

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