
‘Paleo’ Pete Evans refines attack on dairy by saying raw product preferable

“PALEO” Pete Evans has ­endorsed of form of milk banned since causing the death of a Victorian toddler two years ago.

Pete Evans did not have the scientific or academic training to distinguish fact from fiction, a doctor has said. Picture: Mark Calleja
Pete Evans did not have the scientific or academic training to distinguish fact from fiction, a doctor has said. Picture: Mark Calleja

“PALEO” Pete Evans has shaken off the roasting he ­received for saying dairy can be harmful to bones to dive into another controversy by ­endorsing raw milk.

In the wake of last week’s criticism for warning a sufferer of osteoporosis off dairy, claiming it removed calcium from bones, the My Kitchen Rules star shot back a retaliatory Facebook post which said if any milk was to be consumed, it should be raw.

Raw milk has been banned in Australia since the death of a three-year-old Victorian boy in December 2014.

He cited “nutritional expert Nora Gedgaudas”, who wrote: “The closest we can possibly come to making milk a natural and truly beneficial food for us is in this raw state.”

Ms Gedgaudas has no­ ­formal medical or dietitian training.

She is an American fitness coach and nutrition consultant who states that she dropped out of a nutritional science degree but spent time observing a wolf pack in the Arctic Circle, where the “Ice Age-like environment sparked new thinking”.

After dodgy advice on bone broths for babies, sunscreen and dairy, both the Australian Medical Association and the Public Health Association of Australia are calling on Evans to be more responsible, given his 1.5 million followers.

The PHAA’s Dr Helen Vidgen said it was advice that could kill.

“The raw milk was such a health issue that (Louis) Pasteur won a Nobel prize for coming up with a way to resolve that public health issue. To dismiss that is incredible,” Dr Vidgen said, adding Mr Evans did not have the scientific or academic training to distinguish fact from fiction.


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