
NSW Food Authority health warning on eggs infected with Salmonella

Hundreds of people have been infected with Salmonella in the last month prompting a health warning by the NSW Food Authority.Eggs stamped with BEC or BEC115 may be contaminated.

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Hundreds of people have been infected with Salmonella in the last month prompting a health warning by the NSW Food Authority.

Hundreds of people have been infected with Salmonella in the last month
Hundreds of people have been infected with Salmonella in the last month

NSW Food Authority CEO Dr Lisa Szabo said eggs stamped with BEC or BEC115 may be contaminated as she revealed there were 412 cases os Salmonella in NSW alone this January.

“It is important to know that not all eggs are impacted but if you have any stamped with BEC or BEC115 we recommend as a precaution that you discard them,” she said.

“We typically see a rise in Salmonella during the warmer summer months, so this is an opportune time to remind people to practice good hygiene generally when preparing food and to always keep their hands, surfaces and utensils clean and dry before and after handling eggs.”

Salmonellosis symptoms include fever, headache, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

Salmonellosis symptoms include fever, headache, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
Salmonellosis symptoms include fever, headache, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

Symptoms usually start around six to 72 hours after the contaminated food is eaten and usually last for four to seven days but can continue for much longer.

Children under 5 years of age account for most cases notified this month, although all age groups are affected.

The NSW Food Authority placed a Prohibition Order on the business that produced the eggs last month preventing them from selling eggs but contaminated eggs may still have made it to stores.

“While it is likely that most affected eggs are no longer in the supply chain, it is possible that people may have purchased them earlier and still have some at home in the fridge or pantry,” she said.

“We’d just like people to check and if they do have any eggs stamped BEC or BEC115 to throw them out to avoid any risk of food poisoning.

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