
North Korea missile is fifth and sets rogue nation further on collision course

NORTH Korean dictator Kim Jong-un yesterday moved the world closer to a potentially devastating nuclear conflict after sending a second missile in a matter of weeks hurtling over Japan.

NORTH Korean dictator Kim Jong-un yesterday moved the world closer to a potentially devastating nuclear conflict after sending a second missile in a matter of weeks hurtling over Japan.

The rogue nation’s leader set alarm bells ringing with his latest rocket, which was fired from Sunan, Pyongyang, early yesterday morning, sparking calls for a “global response”.

The firing of the missile was a clear message of defiance to North Korea’s rivals and came at the end of a week in which the United Nations passed another round of tough sanctions on the country — including a cap on oil sales, a ban on natural gas and a block on certain exports.

Yesterday’s rocket flew directly over northern Japan, landing in the Pacific Ocean about 2000km east of Hokkaido. The missile flew some 3700km — meaning the US territory of Guam, home to an important strategic military base, would be within range. It was the country’s longest-ever test flight of a ballistic missile.

Kim’s latest display of brinkmanship was met with outrage, with South Korean President Moon Jae-in ordering his military to conduct a live-fire ballistic missile drill in response. The country’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said one of the two missiles fired in the drill hit a sea target about 250km away, approximately the distance to Pyongyang’s Sunan.

Japan also reacted with fury, with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe calling the launch reckless. “We as a nation simply cannot accept these repeated provocative acts by North Korea and we have lodged our firm protest and while communicating the strong anger from the Japanese public,” Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said in an address to the nation.

North Korea’s August 29 missile launch.
North Korea’s August 29 missile launch.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull condemned the launch as “reckless and dangerous”, and called for even tougher punishments and economic sanctions while NATO called for a “global response” to “a major threat to international peace and security”.

Even North Korea’s traditional ally China slammed the launch but appealed for restraint to avoid inflaming tensions further.

Since US President Donald Trump threatened the North with “fire and fury” in August, the secretive state has conducted its most powerful nuclear test, threatened to send missiles into the waters around Guam and launched two missiles of increasing range over US ally Japan. It tested its first-ever intercontinental ballistic missile in July.

The latest launch came after direct threats were issued against Japan, with the so-called North Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee stating in the aftermath of the UN sanctions: “Japan is no longer needed to exist near us. The four islands of the archipelago should be sunken into the sea by the nuclear bomb of Juche.”

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Juche is North Korea’s philosophy of military “self-reliance”, which has led it to six successful atomic bomb tests.

The White House had yet to make an official comment last night on the latest launch, but the world is waiting to see how Mr Trump will react. Commander Dave Benham, a spokesman for the United States Pacific Command, which monitors missile activity on the Korean Peninsula, said “this ballistic missile did not pose a threat to North America” or to Guam.

However, the missile test, like those before it, was made without any forewarning to commercial jets or shipping in the region. “This is another dangerous, reckless, criminal act by the North Korean regime threatening the stability of the region and the world and we condemn it utterly,” Mr Turnbull said.

South Korea's Hyunmoo II ballistic missile is fired during an exercise yesterday.
South Korea's Hyunmoo II ballistic missile is fired during an exercise yesterday.

But he added yesterday’s rocket, along with “violent outbursts of North Korean propaganda threatening Japan and the US overnight”, were signs “that the sanctions are working”. “If Kim Jong-un were to start a war … he would be signing a suicide note,” Mr Turnbull said. “That would be the end for his government and thousands and thousands of people would die.”

The growing frequency, power and confidence displayed by North Korea’s tests seem to confirm what many have long feared — the country is closer than ever to its goal of building a military arsenal that can viably target US troops in Asia and the US homeland.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said that yesterday’s rocket had flown further than previous tests. “It seems that on each occasion (North Korea) gains greater capability,” Ms Bishop, who will discuss the situation at the UN next week, said.

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