
‘Questions over China handling of pandemic’

Disappointment in WHO’s decision to allow ‘wet markets’ in China to continue.

Eastern Beach was busy with walkers, runners and riders on Sunday morning. Picture: Alan Barber
Eastern Beach was busy with walkers, runners and riders on Sunday morning. Picture: Alan Barber

Questions over China handling of pandemic

THERE is shocked disappointment globally with the World Health Organisation's decision to allow the 'wet market' in China to continue as before.

This market appears to use unsafe and less than sanitary methods in dealing with slaughtering procedures and food management so it isn't surprising that infectious outbreaks occur.

Harking back to the SARS outbreak of several years ago indicates that that came from the same or similar source again in China, probably using the same techniques.

Traders in that business would have suffered financially and with possible health problems but what has happened to the rest of the world has higher consequences.

Chinese leaders' handling of this pandemic is very questionable, firstly denying any such aliment until information from other sources brought it to the world's attention.

Pat Russell, Mackay


Bring back commonsense

WE have seen over the past 10 to 15 years the influx of China's 'junk' imported into this country, which has ruined the manufacturing of anything here.

As a country that has outlawed slavery, we haven't got a hope of competing with them.

But, to have any chance we need to go back to at least 1970 and remove 80 per cent of the rules, regulations, red and green tape, charges, levies and any other confounded law that has been imposed on us which has taken away the freedom and endeavour, that has made the country what it is today.

If you're old enough, you can see how slowly over the years this has happened.

Remember when you tied it up with wire to get home?

Could you imagine doing that today, you would have to get an engineer's report on it first. Practical people are no longer allowed to be practical.

Common sense was something we were all expected to have.

I am having a whinge, but I can see bad things coming in the very near future.

It's the kids that will suffer and it won't be from Global Warming.

Bill Wall, Nebo


Miners' wellbeing important

NICE of the Rockhampton Bulletin to print such an uncritical piece in the Morning Bulletin 28/04/2020.

As a former coal miner with thirty years experience, I would like to comment on aspects of lockdown and distancing rules as they are presented in your article.

The coal barons' greed for money is the motive force behind the continued operation through this pandemic.

With the obsequious and slavish acceptance of the wants of the owners, any promotion of the companies containment would always receive uncritical support.

Mining is a dirty, dangerous and polluting industry that science tells us is a major contributor to global warming.

Hardly an industry that would be classed as essential.

What I believe is essential is for the miners to return home without loss of wages.

Adani for instance is not anywhere nearing the point of production and with their workforce all from other areas, to label their efforts as essential is laughable.

Our miners are generous and caring people and should have their wellbeing placed ahead of that of rapacious coal companies.

Stephen Bulloch, Mackay


Send in the troops?

WILL sending in their front row forwards to battle, to tackle and defend through blood, sweat and tears be the solution to stopping a deadly enemy?

Margaret Wilkie

Peregian Beach

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