
Lismore ‘squatters collective’ block street as NSW Premier vows to demolish flood-prone houses

Members of a “squatters collective” have returned to a NSW town and barricaded streets with parked cars and “human shields” to block access to the area.

The buyback plan gives Lismore residents ‘safety’ and a ‘choice’

Members of a “squatters collective” have returned to the town of Lismore and barricaded streets with parked cars and “human shields” to block access to the street this week, warning officials they will fight attempts to remove them from condemned houses.

The protest came as NSW Premier Chris Minns vowed to demolish the vacant properties and kick out the squatters, who have been living in the homes for free since the 2022 floods, despite multiple relocation offers and attempts to evict them.

“We bought those houses so that we could keep the community safe, so that no one would live there and to have squatters move in off the back of that, is completely unacceptable,” Mr Minns said.

One squatter parked his ute, draped in the Eureka, Irish and Palestinian flags, at the entry to Pine Street and posted a declaration to Facebook, where he promised to fight the demolition order.

“Let it be known that Pine Street is heavily defended. We are not criminals. We are working men and women,” the post read.

Vehicles blocked entry to Pine St. Picture: Facebook
Vehicles blocked entry to Pine St. Picture: Facebook
The car was later spray painted with the word “scum”. Picture: Facebook
The car was later spray painted with the word “scum”. Picture: Facebook

The ute was parked across the street as early as Monday, and had been spray painted with the word “scum” by Tuesday afternoon.

Pictures have also emerged of squatters standing on the road to stop locals from entering the street. The group successfully turned back tradies who were sent to cut off the water supply in the days before Cyclone Alfred.

Lismore Mayor Steve Krieg said the group have created “human shields” to block access to the street.
Lismore Mayor Steve Krieg said the group have created “human shields” to block access to the street.

Lismore City Mayor Steve Krieg said the situation was “a disgrace”.

“It goes against everything we are trying to achieve here in Lismore and that is my greatest disappointment,” he said.

“Rebuilding the town centre and our community has been completely overshadowed by this issue.”

After more than two years of dealing with the group and their regular protests, Mr Krieg said he “applauded” the premier for taking a hard line and “wished it had happened sooner”.

NSW Premier Chris Minns vowed to demolish the houses on Tuesday. Picture: NewsWire / Glenn Campbell
NSW Premier Chris Minns vowed to demolish the houses on Tuesday. Picture: NewsWire / Glenn Campbell

Mr Krieg said even local police had their hands tied.

“The situation is out of control,” he said.

“Most of the people who are squatting there are on holiday visas and temporary visas, they are not actually Lismore residents or 2022 flood victims, they are people who have come here in the hope of free accommodation.

“It’s been a drain on the Reconstruction Authority and their purpose, which is the rebuilding of Lismore, and there have been tens of thousands of dollars, if not millions, spent to try and remove these people.”

Pine St was one of the high risk flooding areas targeted through the Reconstruction Authority buyback scheme, which cost taxpayers more than $900m.

Greens MP Sue Higginson denied her involvement with the Pine St squatters was a political stunt. Picture: NewsWire / Gaye Gerard
Greens MP Sue Higginson denied her involvement with the Pine St squatters was a political stunt. Picture: NewsWire / Gaye Gerard

Lismore City Labor councillor Harper Dawson accused local Greens MP Sue Higginson of hijacking the issue for political gain.

“The issue has been endorsed and supported by the Greens behind the scenes and has created extreme division … and now they have blocked a street of Lismore and are threatening people.”

Ms Higginson previously said the premier had “declared war” with his demolition order on Tuesday, accusing Mr Minns of “trying to score political points against a community that is still recovering”.

“This is no stunt on my part,” Ms Higginson told The Daily Telegraph.

“What is a stunt and a very cruel and dangerous one – is a Premier with extraordinary powers leaving a disaster zone, reaching the comfort of his own home, then making a unilateral declaration to destroy the homes that people are currently safely and peacefully occupying, and who have been for months and months.”

The Reclaim Our Recovery team, representing the squatters collective, were contacted for comment.

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