
Hunter Valley ‘Freedom Pub’ Caledonian Singleton ordered to remove Australian Red Ensign flag

A Hunter Valley venue has been told to get rid of a controversial flag — commonly used as a symbol by anti-government and anti-vaccine protesters — from its roof.

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A Hunter Valley watering hole labelled the ‘Freedom Pub’ for its stance against vaccine mandates has launched a new “discrimination” battle, taking on the local council over a controversial flag fixed to its roof.

The Caledonian Hotel Singleton, known to locals as The Cali, rose to notoriety last year after repeatedly defying Covid restrictions by continuing to serve unvaccinated patrons.

Now the venue has chosen to make another bold statement, decorating its roof with an Australian Red Ensign flag commonly used by anti-government and anti-vaccine protesters.

The Australian Red Ensign flag, an anti-vax symbol, fixed to the roof of The Caledonian Hotel Singleton. Picture: Facebook
The Australian Red Ensign flag, an anti-vax symbol, fixed to the roof of The Caledonian Hotel Singleton. Picture: Facebook

The flag, which is a variation of the Australian flag with a red background, was traditionally used by the merchant navy and has taken on new meaning in recent years.

The Cali last month received a letter from Singleton Council confirming a complaint had been received about the addition being made to the heritage building without development approvals.

Licensee Brad Hill was given 28 days to remove the flag or respond to council, before hefty fines would be enforced.

Mr Hill declined to speak to “mainstream media” when contacted by The Saturday Telegraph, but took to the pub’s Facebook page to advocate for “freedom”.

Caledonian Hotel licensee Brad Hill has been ordered to remove the flag. Picture: Facebook
Caledonian Hotel licensee Brad Hill has been ordered to remove the flag. Picture: Facebook
The Cali developed a reputation for serving unvaccinated patrons. Picture: Facebook
The Cali developed a reputation for serving unvaccinated patrons. Picture: Facebook

“This flag on our roof represents what we at The Cali stand for,” the Facebook post read.

“The law of the land where nobody sits above the law. Basic human rights that no one is entitled to take. Freedom of choice that should never be questioned. No discrimination or segregation that is imposed upon us by a disgusting mainstream media barrage.

“Freedom to live our lives and treat others with the same dignity and respect that any individual deserves. Do no harm to others. Maintain the right to peacefully protest.

“Basically everything that is being methodically stripped away from all of humanity including the display of this federation flag is what we stand for. May humanity prevail once again over these evil forces that threaten our very own existence.”

The pub was temporarily closed by police for repeatedly breaching the public health order. Picture: Facebook
The pub was temporarily closed by police for repeatedly breaching the public health order. Picture: Facebook

Singleton Council Director Infrastructure and Planning Services, Justin Fitzpatrick-Barr, said the pub would be able to restore the flag if a development application was submitted and approved.

“The Caledonian Hotel is listed in the Singleton Local Environmental Plan as an item of local heritage significance,” Mr Fitzpatrick-Barr said.

“It was brought to council’s attention that a flag structure had been mounted on the roof of the hotel.

“To place a structure on a heritage building requires development consent.

“Council staff have issued an order to remove the structure and seek development consent if the hotel owner wishes to return the structure.”

The Cali, which was last year covered in banners reading ‘Free Australia’ and ‘Jab or no jab, all welcome’, was hit with multiple infringement notices for serving unvaccinated patrons before it was temporarily closed by police in October.

Mr Hill, 57, was charged with two counts of failing to comply with the public health order and later convicted and fined $3000 in Singleton Local Court.

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