

How liquidator Jirsch Sutherland is pursuing Oli Capital director Luo Qi and his Sydney wife Shuo ‘Amy’ Yang

About $2.5m from a Sydney property sale hit this woman’s account last week. It was hers for seven minutes. Then liquidators pursuing her husband intervened. Read the full story here.

Oli Capital director Luo Qi in a YouTube video. Picture: YouTube
Oli Capital director Luo Qi in a YouTube video. Picture: YouTube

Seven minutes before liquidators of the Oli group of investment companies got freezing orders over a multimillion-dollar Sydney home, its $2.5m sale price was transferred into the account of this woman, who can be revealed as the sole director’s wife.

“It was on the market for three days,” Oli group liquidator, Jirsch Sutherland’s Chris Baskerville, told The Daily Telegraph. “It didn’t even make”

Fortunately for Oli creditors, the orders Mr Baskerville and colleague Melissa Lau obtained from the NSW Supreme Court covered Shuo ‘Amy’ Yang’s bank accounts, too.

The proceeds from the Pymble property sale will now help to fund the ongoing pursuit of answers and assets on behalf of scores of mainly Chinese Australians who claim to be owed many tens of millions of dollars following the failure of Oli Capital, Oli Funds Management and Oli Private in February.

The sole director of all three, Ms Yang’s husband Luo Qi, is understood to have left Australia for Asia.

Shuo 'Amy' Yang. Picture: Facebook
Shuo 'Amy' Yang. Picture: Facebook
Oli boss Luo Qi. Picture: John Grainger
Oli boss Luo Qi. Picture: John Grainger

Some creditors have told Mr Baskerville that Mr Qi is in South Korea while others nominate Malaysia or Singapore.

Mr Qi is not believed to be in mainland China and is definitely not in Australia, said Mr Baskerville, whose firm was only recently appointed to Oli, after creditors booted the liquidators initially appointed.

Mr Baskerville said Jirsch had written to Mr Qi but he was “non-responsive.”

Shuo ‘Amy’ Yang’s Facebook page states she is married to Luo Qi. Picture: Facebook
Shuo ‘Amy’ Yang’s Facebook page states she is married to Luo Qi. Picture: Facebook

The freezing orders extended to Mr Qi’s bank accounts also. Unusually, Jirsch Sutherland paid all the costs of that court action.

“I said to my partners ‘we need to do something here, even if we lose,’ Mr Baskerville said.

“By doing that we have managed to secure some funds, which will be good.”

Ms Yang may still be in Australia, the liquidator said. She had retained local legal representation and had told him she was still paying private school fees for a child. She is not accused of any wrongdoing or involvment in her husband’s companies.

“That gives me an indication she is here,” Mr Baskerville said.

As much as $47m raised from investors had gone through the couple’s bank accounts, he revealed.

“That is a giant red flag for us,” he said.

The Pymble property was sold for $2.5million.
The Pymble property was sold for $2.5million.

Mr Baskerville is examining whether some of that money was used to buy the Pymble home – and possibly others.

The liquidators are also investigating whether “unreasonable director-related transactions” had taken place.

“It’s a flow of funds investigation to determine where this money went,” Mr Baskerville said. “And we are going to find out.”

Mr Baskerville said that later this month he will “break into” vaults thought to contain gold, silver and cash.

“My suspicion is the vaults have been cleared out,” he said.

The Telegraph has previously revealed Mr Qi is being sued in the NSW Supreme Court by an investor for allegedly failing to pay for 41 kilograms of gold worth more than $3 million.

On the internet, there are unproven claims Mr Qi wrote a letter to investors as he left the country saying he had split from his wife.

“I don’t believe that,” Mr Baskerville said.

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