

Health bosses email doctors after hospital rumours circulate

NSW Health bosses have moved to tamp down out-of-control rumours of ‘inappropriate behaviour’ among doctors on the grounds of St George Hospital.

St George Hospital, Kogarah. Picture: Flavio Brancaleone
St George Hospital, Kogarah. Picture: Flavio Brancaleone

Health bosses have moved to quash out-of-control rumours of inappropriate behaviour among doctors in the grounds of St George Hospital.

An email was sent this week to all doctors at the southern suburbs teaching hospital telling them that reports four junior medical officers or interns had been sacked over “inappropriate behaviour on hospital grounds” were not true.

St George Hospital director of medical services, Heidi Boss, described the rampant rumours as becoming “more embellished” which was why she said she had to act.

“RUMOURS involving JMOs are NOT TRUE,” Ms Boss wrote in the group email addressed to “Dear SGH Doctors” this week.

“Some of you will be aware that rumour has been spreading that SGH has “stood down” or “terminated” “some” or “4” “JMOs” or “interns” for inappropriate behaviour on hospital grounds,” the email stated.

Doctors at Sydney's St George Hospital received an email addressing rumours of an orgy on-site. Picture: Flavio Brancaleone
Doctors at Sydney's St George Hospital received an email addressing rumours of an orgy on-site. Picture: Flavio Brancaleone

“There have been many variations on this theme that I alone have heard but I understand the rumours are becoming more embellished and specific and are beginning to cause significant distress. This is not fair.

“I categorically confirm these rumours are not true. There have not been any SCH JMOs stood down or terminated.”

The email to doctors at St George Hospital said no one had been sacked and disputed the rumours completely. Picture: Flavio Brancaleone
The email to doctors at St George Hospital said no one had been sacked and disputed the rumours completely. Picture: Flavio Brancaleone

It is not known how the rumours began but it is understood they have been investigated and put to rest.

Ms Boss told the doctors in her email that any shortages in resident doctors - medical school graduates and doctors in training - had nothing to do with any junior medical officers being sacked.

“The decision to stand down or terminate a doctor is never taken lightly and needs to follow a number of steps to even get to that point,” she said in the email.

“The final decision is at a very high level (Chief Executive) so is not something that Medical Workforce Unit or even myself as DMS (Director of Medical Services) can just do.

The email to doctors at St George Hospital said resident shortages had nothing to do with the rumours. Picture: Flavio Brancaleone
The email to doctors at St George Hospital said resident shortages had nothing to do with the rumours. Picture: Flavio Brancaleone

“We have a range of measures we generally use for managing inappropriate behaviour well before considering suspension or termination. However the process is confidential so we would not ever talk about it

“The challenges we have with resident shortages have arisen from legitimate decision-making by the residents. No shortages of residents at SGH has arisen from suspension or termination.”

The South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, which administers St George Hospital, has been asked for a comment.

The new NSW Health Minister, Ryan Park, who has been in the job for less than a week, declined to comment.

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