
Trump supporters, protesters ready for history in making

STANDING in pouring rain on Pennsylvania Ave it seemed like a sign from the weather gods to pack up and go home.

Journalist Laura Telford booked her ticket to the US hoping to see Hillary Clinton sworn in as America's first female president.

It wasn't to be but the political science graduate, who normally reports on the happenings of life in St George, a small town in western Queensland, is now getting as close as she can to the pomp and ceremony of Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday, January 20 (early Saturday our time).

STANDING in pouring rain on Pennsylvania Ave it seemed like a sign from the weather gods to pack up and go home; it's as if they are saying nothing good can come of you being here this week.

I came to Washington DC to try and make sense of an election where we saw the obvious choice, so delightfully leading the polls for months, lose spectacularly to the outlier, a loose cannon.

Devoted supporters spurred on by Donald Trump's victory are pouring into the streets of Washington. Alongside them are protesters who are angry about the election result.

Scheduled marches and staged protests have been, and will continue to occur every day this week, ending with the Women's March on Saturday.

So far protesters are here with messages of peace and equality, and to defend other minority groups.

However security measures are tight and as barricades are erected and scaffolding goes up, it is hard to tell who they are designed to protect.

My own political views are becoming irrelevant as history unfolds before me.

Meaghan King, 25, an Australian interning on Capitol Hill, said she was apprehensive about the inauguration of Trump.

"I feel conflicted about being here, but like all the best moments in history I feel there's power in witnessing such a historical moment," said Ms King.

"This is what America has chosen, whether it be by voting or by sitting at home, the American people made their choice, and I'm excited to be here at such an unprecedented time," she said.

It is not often you can say you were a fly on the wall for a significant moment in history, but from Friday (US time) people all over the globe will be watching every second of the Trump administration, and based on what we've already seen of the president-elect, we're in for one heck of a ride.



Originally published as Trump supporters, protesters ready for history in making

Read related topics:Donald Trump

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