
McArdle calls on Labor Senators to kill carbon tax

SUNSHINE Coast-based Energy Minister Mark McArdle has called on Labor senators to do the right thing for their constituents and kill the carbon tax out.

Member for Caloundra Mark McArdle. Picture: Alistair Brightman
Member for Caloundra Mark McArdle. Picture: Alistair Brightman

SUNSHINE Coast-based Energy Minister Mark McArdle has called on Labor and Green senators to do the right thing for their constituents and kill the carbon tax out.

"The Senate could vote to repeal the legislation before it rises for Christmas removing the burden of the carbon tax on Queenslanders," Mr McArdle said.

"With the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) to deliver their draft determination for 2014/15 prices shortly, I am concerned the impact the carbon tax will have,'' he said in a statement.

"Federal Labor and Green Senators could very easily deliver a cut in electricity bills by supporting the Abbott Government's efforts to remove the carbon tax.

"I encourage all Queenslanders to call Senators Mark Furner, Claire Moore, Jan McLucas, Joe Ludwig and Larissa Waters and lobby them to repeal this tax."

"Revoking the Carbon Tax is the quickest way to reduce electricity bills and lowering the cost-of-living pressures throughout Queensland.''

Mr McArdlle's statement echoes that of Tony Abbott and comes as the government has gone to YouTube to step up its camapaign.

But the ABC reports that Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has accused the government of being a "climate change denier".

"Labor want to ensure that Australia is not left doing nothing on pollution," he said.

"We have said that we would vote to repeal a carbon tax and replace it with something that works genuinely to tackle the challenge of carbon pollution."

Originally published as McArdle calls on Labor Senators to kill carbon tax

Read related topics:Climate Change

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