
Clarence Valley traffic: Crashes, delays, updates

The daily commute is better with a little planning. Here's some roads it might be best to avoid today

Congestion on the M1. Photographer: Liam Kidston.
Congestion on the M1. Photographer: Liam Kidston.

Latest traffic alerts and road works for the Clarence Valley region:

Traffic incidents since midnight: 1

Roadworks to avoid: 4

New roadworks this week: 0

Roadworks projects to be completed in the next 30 days:


Traffic incidents by suburb (most recently updated items are listed first):



Affected street: Pacific Motorway near Crowleys Road

Alert created at 12.21am, February 28. Last updated at 1.22am, February 28.

Advice: Reduce your speed. Exercise caution. Intermittent closures for vehicle recovery.

Roadworks by suburb (most recently updated items are listed first):



Affected street: Gwydir Highway near Cangai Road

Alert created at 9.14am, January 31. Last updated at 12.38pm, February 28.

Ends: 5.30pm, March 28

Advice: Check signage. Exercise caution. Work will be carried out from Tuesday 28 January for three months between 6am and 6pm Single lane closure with alternating stop/slow arrangements and a 40km/h speed limit will be in place 24/7. The maximum travel lane width is 3.5m, so oversize and/or overmass (OSOM) vehicles will be affected 24/7. OSOM vehicles intending to travel through the work site must call the project team on 0448 420 273 at least 24 hours before reaching the site to discuss access options.  This work will include an overnight bridge closure for two nights. The first bridge closure will be carried out on  Friday 21 February  between 6pm and 6am. The second bridge closure will be carried out on  Friday 28 March  between 6pm and 6am, weather permitting.   Between 6am-9am on Saturday 22 February and Saturday 29 March – following the closures - only light vehicles will be able to cross the bridge via single lane closure. Heavy vehicles over 4.5t will need to wait until after 9am to access the bridge. Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Motorists are advised to allow approximatelyFive minutes of additional travel time.



Affected street: Old Pacific Highway near Harwood Bridge

Alert created at 2.16pm, January 24. Last updated at 12.36pm, February 28.

Ends: 6pm, July 1

Advice: Check signage. Exercise caution. Alternating (stop/slow) traffic conditions will be in place to allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Motorists are advised to allow approximatelyFive minutes of additional travel time.



Affected street: Armidale Road near Boundary Creek Road

Alert created at 3.37pm, October 13. Last updated at 12.07pm, February 28.

Ends: 6pm, June 30

Advice: Exercise caution. Check signage. Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time 24/7 on a fixed time shuttle. Bridge is permanently restricted to have no OSOM movements wider than 3m to cross.



Affected street: Big River Way near Four Mile Lane

Alert created at 10.17am, October 23. Last updated at 12.15pm, February 14.

Ends: 6pm, March 31

Advice: Allow extra travel time. Check signage. Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. The speed limit outside work hours is 80km/h. Motorists are advised to allow approximatelyFive minutes of additional travel time.  

Today's hyperlocal stories are available here.

The previous Clarence Valley traffic article can be viewed here.

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