
Daisy Green still riding a quad bike at 93 on Palmers Island near Yamba

Sole family survivor, Daisy Green, plans on living out her days riding her quad bike and pottering on the Palmers Island family farm near Yamba.

Quad bike safety family

Born and bred takes on a whole new meaning for Palmers Island independent senior Daisy Green who has called the family farm home since birth and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

Ms Green’s home sweet home is a farm on Palmers Island near Yamba purchased by her parents before she was born.

As the sole family survivor she has no plans on leaving anytime soon.

“My parents and siblings all grew up and lived out their days on this farm and my dream is to do the same,” she said.

Ms Green is the youngest and last remaining of three siblings who lived out their years on the mixed-farm used for dairy cows, sugar cane and bees.

Her brother Jack loved the bees; her sister Amelia was an avid gardener and cook; while Daisy “did a bit of everything”, including driving the tractors.

Daisy Green, 93, is as fit as a fiddle and continues to ride her quad bike on her Palmers Island farm despite her age.
Daisy Green, 93, is as fit as a fiddle and continues to ride her quad bike on her Palmers Island farm despite her age.

Ms Green describes herself as a “stay put” person.

“People can’t understand why I’ve wanted to stay in the same place all my life but that’s what I like,” she said.

“I might only have a few years left and I want to spend them here.”

And she’s as fit as they come at 93, preferring her quad bike over her walker.

“I can jump on it and get around very well,” she said.

“I head up to the barn to visit and feed my three cats each day.”

Palmers Island woman Daisy Green, 93, loves nothing more than being on the family farm.
Palmers Island woman Daisy Green, 93, loves nothing more than being on the family farm.

Ms Green suffers arthritis in her “cranky knee” which led her to get a government funded Home Care Package through Feros Care in 2013.

Getting help to put the bins out and have groceries delivered has helped her remain in her own home sweet home – the family farm – to this day.

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