
Brianna Carney: Glenreagh teen blames sister, Taury Carney, for driving offence

A Clarence teen has driven on multiple occasions with meth in her system while on her L-plates, and she once even pretended to be her identical twin sister in a desperate bid to avoid being sprung.

Brianna Carney appeared at Grafton Local Court. Picture: Adam Hourigan
Brianna Carney appeared at Grafton Local Court. Picture: Adam Hourigan

A teenager who has racked up a shocking driving record before even earning her P-plates once used her identical twin sister as a means of getting out of yet another offence.

On Monday identical twin sisters Brianna and Taury Carney, aged 18, had their matters heard at Grafton Local Court.

But before proceedings could commence for the Glenreagh teens, Taury’s charges were dropped.

Her defence lawyer Anne-Alece Johnstone had previously told the court Taury, who was charged with driving while not carrying a licence and not complying with her P1 licence, was innocent because it was actually her identical twin behind the wheel of the car.

This was confirmed when Brianna Carney, who on some court documents is listed as living in Grafton, pleaded guilty to two counts of driving while her licence was suspended, driving with meth present in her blood (second offence) and being an unaccompanied learner driver.

Brianna Carney. Picture: Facebook.
Brianna Carney. Picture: Facebook.

In documents tendered to court, police describe Brianna as someone who “appears to have no regard for road legislation”.

“In the short time (Brianna) has held a drivers licence (learner’s licence only) she had been caught twice driving unaccompanied … and twice with illicit drugs present in her oral fluid (among other traffic offences),” police facts state.

Brianna first came to the attention of police while driving on Prince St, Grafton, on May 3 at 3:30am when she was pulled over by police.

There, Brianna told police her name was Taury Carney — which led to her sister being charged.

However police soon found out Brianna was lying about her identity.

“(Brianna) was further questioned, later stating, ‘I have to come clean, I’m not Taury, I’m Brianna’,” police facts state.

Soon after police detected meth in her system and the teenager told police: “I had meth about two days ago, a pill”.

Brianna Carney.
Brianna Carney.

Brianna’s offending would continue and on July 21 when she was busted driving while suspended on Thompsons St, Coffs Harbour.

A subsequent oral fluid test also confirmed she had methamphetamine in her system at the time.

This would not stop Brianna’s driving however, as she was also pulled over by the cops and caught driving while suspended and unaccompanied on the Big River Way, South Grafton, on both July 30 and August 4.

In court, both of Taury’s matters were formally withdrawn and dismissed.

Brianna’s sentencing was adjourned until October 16 so she could attend the MERIT program.

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