
Girl X: Foster mum Maria wanted vulnerable teen in her care, says FACS needs to be investigated

A SYDNEY foster mother of “Girl X” is calling on the NSW parliament inquiry into child protection to investigate the late teenager’s case.

CCTV shows people sneaking in a window of Girl X's residential facility

A SYDNEY foster mother of “Girl X”, the teen who died of a drug overdose after allegedly being raped by a youth worker in a foster group home, is calling on the NSW parliament inquiry into child protection to investigate her case.

An inquest has just been held into the circumstances of the girl’s death in a group home in 2014, but according to foster mother Maria, the full circumstances of her case management by Family and Community Services (FACS) needs to be exposed.

Girl X with her foster mum Maria.
Girl X with her foster mum Maria.

“She should not be forgotten,” Maria, who cared for Girl X and her younger brothers in 2011 before they were moved to the group home, said. “There is a lot more to be uncovered about the way her case was handled by FACS — it needs to be closely scrutinised.”

The Daily Telegraph revealed the case of Girl X, whose name has been suppressed by the NSW Coroner’s Court, after a youth worker charged with her 2012 rape applied to have a ban on his Working with Children Check overturned.

Maria said Girl X was removed from her placement in their home against the family’s wishes by government authorities because one of her younger brothers needed more intense support.

A message from Girl X to foster mum Maria / Supplied
A message from Girl X to foster mum Maria / Supplied
The Daily Telegraph confronts Girl X's alleged rapist

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