
Game Of Thrones: Did leaked casting call reveal THREE Targaryens will ride dragons next season?

A leaked casting call for Game Of Thrones season seven has let loose a rumour that could see three Targaryens riding dragons across Westeros.

GoT behind the scenes look at visual effects - Season 6

IT’S the Game of Thrones rumour spreading like glowing green wildfire through the streets of King’s Landing and it could change everything in season seven.

A leaked casting call for new characters for the upcoming series has many fans losing their minds trying work out who they might be and what their inclusion might mean.

But with the show finally going it alone from George R.R. Martin’s books that task is proving harder than trying to organise a Stark family reunion.

On the list is a warrior, a gate guard, a city guard, a merchant, a lovely lady and a lieutenant — all pretty minor sounding players, right?

But there is one exception — a young, handsome lord who is white and speaks with a posh British accent.

Many GoT fans believe the show is well past due to deliver one of its patented huge shocks — and as the show is running out of Starks to kill — revealing the true identity of this new lord could be it.

The prevailing thought seems to be that he could be Rhaegar Targaryen, the Last Dragon and Jon Snow’s long-lost daddy.

Viserys Targaryen is long dead but maybe his hidden elder brother could be coming back.
Viserys Targaryen is long dead but maybe his hidden elder brother could be coming back.

If you recall Prince Rhaegar was the eldest son and heir of the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen and was the older brother of Viserys and everyone’s favourite dragon lady, Daenerys.

We never see Rhaegar in the show but in a plot resembling a medieval Bold And The Beautiful he is blamed for starting Robert Baratheon’s rebellion against the Targaryens after abducting Ned Stark’s sister Lyanna who was actually betrothed to Robert.

Of course, it’s unclear whether she was actually abducted or went willingly, but what is certain, as revealed in Bran Stark’s Tower of Joy vision, is they had a child, Jon.

What will really bake your noodles is the wildly unsubstantiated rumour the pair were actually married, meaning Jon is not a bastard but a true Targaryen.

And yes, before you say it, all evidence points to the fact Rhaegar was killed by Robert during the rebellion, but as we know reports of characters’ deaths on GoT are often greatly exaggerated.

After all, Jon was brought back to life after being stabbed a gigillion times by his less than loyal colleagues of The Night’s Watch.

Jon Snow got killed in Game Of Thrones and came back. Why not Rhaegar?
Jon Snow got killed in Game Of Thrones and came back. Why not Rhaegar?

And just look at Beric Dondarrion, that guy has been resurrected like six times already, admittedly slightly worse for wear each time, but he is technically still alive.

So why can’t Rhaegar be alive? And how can we be 100 per cent he was actually killed in the first place?

Of course Rhaegar might just be seen in flashbacks but it does set up an intriguing storyline.

Firstly, although the TV show is known as Game Of Thrones, the book series is A Song Of Ice And Fire, so ultimately it will come down to dragons vs the wintry Night King.

Meanwhile, the show loves to foreshadow events, with apparently random comments coming true in later episodes or series.

Anyone remember the tale of Aegon and his three dragons? Not only did Arya take her time to tell Tywin Lannister of it but then Shireen Baratheon used the story to teach Ser Davos how to read.

The unfortunate Shireen Baratheon taught Ser Davos to read the story of the three dragons. Was that just a coincidence? In Game of Thrones, probably not ...
The unfortunate Shireen Baratheon taught Ser Davos to read the story of the three dragons. Was that just a coincidence? In Game of Thrones, probably not ...

And how many dragons does Daenerys have again? That’s right, three of them. And now, with Jon Snow a true Targaryen and Rhaegar returning, we have three Targaryens to ride the three dragons, just in time for the Night King to show up for a little righteous toasting.

It all fits rather nicely.

Except ... if, like a peroxide blonde intruder on The Bachelor, Rhaegar does enter the fray in season seven he will undoubtedly cause dramas and set off a few tanties.

It’s hard to imagine Daenerys will give up her armies, dragons and her perceived rightful place on the Iron Throne for a blow-in older brother she has never met.

But with Rhaegar being the true Targaryen heir, she might have to.

Daenerys Targaryen will not be pleased to learn she has a brother. Or a nephew ...
Daenerys Targaryen will not be pleased to learn she has a brother. Or a nephew ...

And what will it mean for Jon?

The newly anointed King in the North is already on shaky ground with his less than crystal clear parentage, an increasingly unimpressed sister Sansa and a scheming Littlefinger waiting in the wings.

If Rhaegar does reappear and Jon is revealed as a Targaryen prince rather than a Stark bastard his reign in the north will be short lived indeed and the north could be divided once again.

And let’s not forget it’s a lot for a young kiddie to take in. Firstly, meeting your real dad while at the same time realising the man you always thought was your dad is no longer and your whole childhood was lie.

In any event it points to a lot of turmoil and division ahead right when the armies of living need to be uniting for the inevitable battle against the armies of the dead.


And then there’s the OTHER rumour ... also intriguing, that Tyrion is actually a bastard Targaryen rather than a true Lannister.

This could mean that even if Rhaegar just appears in flashbacks/visions, the concept of three Targaryens for three dragons could still hold true.

The theory is based on a multitude of little things, such as Tyrion’s affinity for dragons, rumours that a Targaryen hated Tywin Lannister and cuckolded him — and some of the things that Tywin Lannister said about Tyrion.

These include:

Tyrion’s eye colour and hair colour aren’t typical Lannister;

Aerys Targaryen was infatuated with Joanna Lannister;

Tyrion is obsessed with dragons, even dreaming about them;

Tywin says Tyrion isn’t his son and even tells him “I will raise you as my son” but adds, when Tyrion asks for Casterly Rock, that he let himself be eaten by maggots before he allows that to happen;

Tyrion is a dwarf, a possible example of Targaryen inbreeding ...

Is Tyrion Lannister a secret Targaryen?
Is Tyrion Lannister a secret Targaryen?

So are they clues or red herrings? Is Aerys Targaryen Tyrion’s dad as well?

Now there’s a bizarre family reunion ...

Maisie Williams is used to killing people as Arya Stark but her cryptic tweets slayed GoT fans.
Maisie Williams is used to killing people as Arya Stark but her cryptic tweets slayed GoT fans.

We don’t know if actor Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark, was referring to this revelation or others when she teased everyone on twitter after reading the script for season seven, but it sure makes for entertaining reading.

“just finished reading season 7” she wrote.

“shit gets REAL”

“i’d start preparing yourselves now”

“scratch that, nothing will prepare you for this”

“holy BALLS”

Holy BALLS indeed …

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