
Elle Halliwell reveals how she is coming to terms with having leukaemia and being pregnant with her first child

REPORTER Elle Halliwell has revealed how her husband Nick is helping her come to terms with having leukaemia and being pregnant with her first child. This is her powerful story.

Elle Halliwell tells her story

PREGNANCY is supposed to be one of the most joyous times in a woman’s life. Sure, you’re dealing with bouts of inescapable nausea, fatigue and the anxieties of carrying another human, but for the majority of women who are ready to start a family, it’s pretty incredible.

When your baby news coincides with a cancer diagnosis, however, it can be one of the most challenging things you can ever face.

That’s the situation I found myself in on May 1 this year. I was floating in a haze of Xanax and shock when the two little blue lines appeared on the pregnancy stick, confirming I was expecting my first child.

Daily Telegraph fashion editor Elle Halliwell with her husband Nick / Picture: Dylan Robinson
Daily Telegraph fashion editor Elle Halliwell with her husband Nick / Picture: Dylan Robinson

I’d love to say I jumped for joy, but my exclamation instead was of the four-letter kind — because 48 hours before this news, I had been diagnosed with leukaemia.

The diagnosis came as a huge blow, as I had no symptoms.


My husband Nick and I were planning to try for a baby later in the year, so I visited my GP to get blood tests and check my folate and vitamin D levels.

Those levels came back fine, but my blood platelets were unusually high.

Two weeks later another test showed even higher levels, so I was referred to an expert haematologist from The Chris O’Brien Lifehouse. After further tests, he offered the devastating news: I had chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), a disease that before 2001 had a five-year survival rate of fewer than one in three and was considered one of the more devastating forms of blood cancer, with an eight-year survival rate of less than 15 per cent.

Elle should have been over the moon when she saw the two blue lines on the pregnancy test, but she was still reeling from her cancer diagnosis two days earlier. Picture: Dylan Robinson
Elle should have been over the moon when she saw the two blue lines on the pregnancy test, but she was still reeling from her cancer diagnosis two days earlier. Picture: Dylan Robinson

It also more commonly affects men with a median age of 60, so I was truly a special case, considering I lived a healthy lifestyle, was 30 and female, and had none of the risk factors.

My husband and I were still telling family and close friends of my health challenge when I discovered I was four weeks pregnant. Our first thought was, can we keep the baby? Our specialist strongly advised us not to because, without treatment, my slow-growing cancer could possibly turn aggressive and kill me before my pregnancy reached full term.

He recommended I abort, freeze some eggs and immediately begin a relatively new form of oral chemotherapy called tyrosine kinase inhibitors, or TKIs, which I would have to take for at least five years — until I was 35. Only then could I consider stopping treatment and try to conceive.

Elle, seen here in action with Crystal Kimber and Kelli Odell earlier this year, had no symptoms before the shock diagnosis. Picture: Richard Dobson
Elle, seen here in action with Crystal Kimber and Kelli Odell earlier this year, had no symptoms before the shock diagnosis. Picture: Richard Dobson

My husband, who was still in shock over our new situation, took charge and after days of intensive research discovered that a very small number of women around the world with CML had successfully delivered healthy children via alternative treatments.

So we travelled to South Australia to meet with CML world expert professor Timothy Hughes, who gave us some confidence that, due to the early detection, there was a strong chance I could manage the cancer until I gave birth and started on a more effective treatment.

If you walked past me in the street, or took a peek at my Instagram account, you wouldn’t believe I had an incurable disease. I’m not bruised, bald or lying in a hospital bed, which is an image many conjure up when they think of children and adults with leukaemia.

One of the biggest challenges right now is reconciling the fact that I feel healthy, but am far from it. There are days when I forget I’m sick. I go to work, grab coffee with friends and cook dinner with my husband.

Elle and Nick were told they should abort the pregnancy but after a lot of research decided to explore the possibility of new therapies. / Picture: Dylan Robinson
Elle and Nick were told they should abort the pregnancy but after a lot of research decided to explore the possibility of new therapies. / Picture: Dylan Robinson

It’s when I pause and think of the little person growing inside me, and my responsibility to care for him, that I feel sick with worry. But despite the weekly Interferon injections I have to take, he’s growing big and strong — our 20-week ultrasound this month confirmed this.

Interferon, which is a drug made from proteins that occur naturally in humans and are secreted by immune system cells, has been found safe for pregnant women as it does not cross the placenta. It can cause patients severe side effects however, including food aversion, fatigue, depression and flu-like symptoms.

But fortunately I have responded extremely well.

CML, which accounts for just 0.03 per cent of cancers diagnosed, now has a very different survival outlook thanks to research grants that led to the discovery of drugs that have changed CML from a death sentence to an illness that can for many people be managed for many years.

Most days I have a smile on my face. I’ve got a lot to live for and feel blessed to live in a country where my medication is affordable and the quality of care and medical support is very high.

My life will never be the same, but I’m looking forward to what is in store. And thanks to the support of my family, friends and the generous public donations to organisations such as the Cancer Council and Leukaemia Foundation, I have a very good chance of not only celebrating my son’s first Christmas this year, but also being there for many of his milestones.

Today is Daffodil Day, the Cancer Council’s drive to raise much-needed funds to fight cancer.


Sarah Keoghan

RESEARCHERS are hoping increased awareness due to Daffodil Day today will enable more women to undergo a special screening test for cervical cancer.

The NSW Cancer Council, which runs Daffodil Day, is at the forefront of supporting research into the causes of cervical cancer, which accounts for 1.5 per cent of all cancers ­diagnosed in women.

A team led by Professor Karen Canfell has found a screening test for HPV (human papillomavirus) is more effective in early diagnosis of cervical cancer than a standard pap smear.

Daffodil Day ambassadors, Will Stewart and Steve Flood of MKR.<b><a href="" target="_blank" title=""></a></b>Picture: John Appleyard
Daffodil Day ambassadors, Will Stewart and Steve Flood of MKR.Picture: John Appleyard

Megan Smith, program manager for the Cervix/HPV and Breast Group at Cancer Council NSW, ­believes Daffodil Day is hugely important in raising money for cancer research.

“Researchers from Cancer Council have discovered a HPV test every five years can save more lives,” she said.

When Bernice Neal went for a check-up at her local GP, she had no idea she would be undergoing surgery for cervical cancer in less than a week.

“It was all very fast. I was referred to a specialist for what I thought may have been a minor issue, but I had no idea I had cervical cancer,’’ she said.

“It wasn’t even in my head that it could possibly be cancer, it wasn’t even a thought I had.”

Bernice has made a full recovery thanks to the staff at Waratah Private Hospital, who have teamed up with the NSW Cancer Council to support Daffodil Day, decking out the entire hospital in yellow.

Bernice’s gynaecologic specialist at Waratah Hospital, Jane Hargood, believes raising money for research is vital.

NSW Cancer Council hopes to raise $2.6 million on Daffodil Day.


‘My life will never be the same, but I’m looking forward to what is in store,’ says Elle. Picture: Dylan Robinson
‘My life will never be the same, but I’m looking forward to what is in store,’ says Elle. Picture: Dylan Robinson

Elle Halliwell is The Daily Telegraph’s fashion editor and has worked for the paper for nearly 10 years

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