
Cops investigating Mick Hawi execution charge hotelier’s son over unrelated gun possession

A FORMER Newington College student who was arrested by detectives investigating the execution of bikie boss Mahmoud “Mick” Hawi has been refused bail after he was charged with unrelated gun offences.

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT - Video shows Hawi shooting

A FORMER Newington College student who was arrested by detectives investigating the execution of bikie boss Mahmoud “Mick” Hawi has been refused bail after he was charged with unrelated gun offences.

Beau Redmond, 29, the son of Sydney hotelier Geoff Redmond, was arrested at Sydney International airport the day after Hawi’s murder. He has not been charged in relation to Hawi’s death.

Today Redmond appeared in person before Sutherland Local Court charged with three firearm-related offences.

He did not apply for bail and it was formally refused by the magistrate.

Redmond — who was wearing a grey hooded jacket and grey pants — waved to his father Geoff who sat in the back of the courtroom.

Beau Redmond has been charged with gun possession.
Beau Redmond has been charged with gun possession.

Police say they acted on “information from the community” and nabbed him as he attempted to board a flight.

Detectives attached to strike force Amirs originally considered Redmond to be a person of interest in relation to Hawi’s death but police say he has since been ruled out of the investigation.

In the course of their investigation they seized a loaded semiautomatic Desert Eagle handgun next to his bed at Hurstville in Sydney’s southwest.



When The Daily Telegraph broke the news of Redmond’s arrest last month, Criminal groups squad commander, Detective Superintendent Deb Wallace said the handgun seized had been forensically tested but was not believed to be the murder weapon.

“At this stage we have not established any links to Hawi’s murder but of course we still have to follow a number of lines of inquiry,” Superintendent Wallace told the Daily Telegraph when news broke of Redmond’s arrest.

Mahmoud Mick Hawi was gunned down in his car at Rockdale.
Mahmoud Mick Hawi was gunned down in his car at Rockdale.

Redmond was arrested on February 16 — the day after Hawi was gunned down inside his Mercedes 4WD outside Rockdale Fitness First.

He was taken to St George Hospital where he was held until yesterday under the Mental Health Act.

After he was released he was taken to St George police station and charged.

He is expected to appear before Sutherland Local Court today charged with possessing an unauthorised pistol, possessing ammunition and not keeping a firearm safely.

Vision shows the moment Mick Hawi is gunned down. Picture: Supplied                        <a class="capi-image" capiId="e02ab8df2638246888d1407a4a18ec58"></a>
Vision shows the moment Mick Hawi is gunned down. Picture: Supplied

It was just after midday on February 15 when Hawi was shot a number of times as he sat alone inside his black Mercedes 4WD outside the gym on West Botany St.

The former national president of the Comanchero outlaw motorcycle gang was rushed to nearby St George Hospital but was pronounced dead a short time later.

Police believe the murder was carried out by two men wearing balaclavas who sped off in a grey Mercedes-Benz which was found burnt out a few streets away from the murder scene.

Hawi was once convicted of the 2009 Sydney Airport murder of rival bikie Anthony Zervas but the charge was sensationally downgraded to manslaughter.

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