
PNG student in Coffs Harbour to take marine knowledge home

SOUTHERN Cross University PhD candidate Pamela Kamya will put her knowledge of climate change to good use when eventually she returns to Papua New Guinea.

Southern Cross University PhD candidate Pamela Kamya (left) is supervised in a research project by Professor Maria Byrne.
Southern Cross University PhD candidate Pamela Kamya (left) is supervised in a research project by Professor Maria Byrne.

SOUTHERN Cross University PhD candidate Pamela Kamya will put her knowledge of climate change to good use when eventually she returns to Papua New Guinea.

Pamela studies at the National Marine Science Centre in Coffs Harbour and her research is investigating the impact of climate change on tropical marine invertebrates, in particular the Crown of Thorns Starfish.

She arrived on the Coffs Coast in 2012 after receiving an AusAID scholarship.

"I was looking to do a climate change course and looked online and found the National Marine Science Centre," Pamela said.

"After getting an undergraduate degree from the University of Papua New Guinea I worked with the National Fisheries Authority for three years.

"I have always been interested in climate change because of the impact on tropical regions including PNG and after finishing here will go back home and implement what has been learned.

To study the Crown of Thorns Starfish, Pamela received a grant of $1500 from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.

"It's difficult being away from home but I have a lot of support from supervisors and other students.

"Supervisors Dr Symon Dworjanyn from Southern Cross University and Professor Maria Byrne from the University of Sydney are experts in the field of marine ecology and invertebrates and have given me a lot of support to be where I am at right now with my studies.

"I enjoy living here in Coffs Harbour.

"The beaches are what I enjoy the most with lots of friendly people who are curious about where I come from.

"But the thing I really miss from home is the food."

Read related topics:Climate Change

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