
Letters to the Editor - Wednesday, December 7

Letters to the Editor - Wednesday, December 7

Picture: Mark Lynch
Picture: Mark Lynch

Southerly change casts a strong waft over the Jetty

COFFS Harbour Council has shown itself to be happy to spend ratepayers' money on businesses, sporting and other events in order to bring more tourists and more money into the city.

When is council going to look after residents and do something about the awful stink that descends on the Jetty area every time there is a southerly change.

A lovely southerly change with a touch of rain hit last week and we couldn't sit out on the veranda and enjoy it because the stink from the "poo ponds" is unbearable.

Plenty of visitors to the city were commenting on it down at the Jetty Strip cafes and Jetty Village shops too.

I am sure it is not what they expect of a so-called premier tourist destination.

What is the point of spending millions on the Jetty Foreshores upgrade when it is unpleasant to be outside enjoying it.

This is not an isolated occurrence - it happens at least several times a week.

It is a disgrace and I ask council and councillors what they are doing to remedy this situation.

J.A. Turner

When you're 76 what will PC policy have made Australia?

THERE is a need in Australia to return to the national character of being "fair dinkum.”

This nation in the past three or four decades has lost its national values and character.

The very essence of this country's values and character that were created and blended since settlement have been washed away by the politically correct and fuzzy illogical academia who have pandered to the socialist left.

I am in my mid-seventies, a white man, agnostic with no tertiary education, and as a consequence, I am boxed by the fuzzy illogical educated as being beyond my used by date and irrelevant in the workforce and society.

I understand racism, culturalism, personal values and empathy towards others.

I do not suffer fools gladly and have certainly tolerated many in my lifetime and those who condemn me, do not!

My culture is white Australian, I have lived this since arriving 62 years ago in 1954 from South Africa. My culture is different because of who we are and the benefits imposed on us in Australia. It molded us in such a manner that would not be acceptable in most of the various global cultures. We are an Anglo-European culture, with tolerances towards other cultures and welcome all who choose to move here and assimilate to be Australian.

I served over 20 years in the Australian Army, was a professional success soldier and contributed my knowledge and skills to others, some who have attained the highest status and station in this nations' service and are still in the job.

I voted for the political grouping that I believe will best govern my state and country but saddened how they too have lost the way by appealing to the socialist left, bow to political correctness, pander to media whims that have a separate agenda and are controlled by the tertiary educated lefties.

I disagree with Section 18C of the Discrimination Act because it is contrary to my values and culture. The acceptance of refugee peoples whose culture is unable to adapt to my own because of the incompatibility of their religious teachings and practices.

I have maybe a decade to enjoyable living remaining and do care how this country's and its people as it advances into the twentieth century. I do know that my three-quarters of a century living has been rewarding and knowing that my contribution to this society has made some little difference.

I hope you too can say this of your life when you attain the age of seventy-six.

Robert S Buick MM JP

An expensive Flying Kangaroo

I WAS looking to fly from Sydney to Coffs on a Saturday afternoon in a weeks time.

The cheapest Qantas fare was $659.

Imagine my surprise to open an email from Qantas promoting Sydney to Beijing for $519 - and that's return.

Just add another $1,000 to get to Sydney and back to take up the offer.

Guess who is subsidising the cheap fares?

Geoff Leaver

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