
New 'Bypassed Towns' initiative for Macksville

New signs have been installed as part of a pilot program to promote Macksville and other bypassed towns in rural and regional NSW.

New signs have been installed as part of a pilot program to promote Macksville and other bypassed towns in rural and regional NSW. Picture: Contributed
New signs have been installed as part of a pilot program to promote Macksville and other bypassed towns in rural and regional NSW. Picture: Contributed

NOW that the Macksville bypass is officially open, new signs have been installed as part of a pilot program to promote Macksville and other bypassed towns in rural and regional NSW.

Roads Maritime and Freight Minister Melinda Pavey announced Macksville is one of three towns to be involved in the pilot program to encourage motorists to visit the town.

"The opening of a bypass can create challenges for any community such as less economic activity. The 'Bypassed Towns' initiative aims to help overcome those issues,” Mrs Pavey said.

"Two new signs have been installed on the Pacific Highway to encourage both north and southbound motorists to visit Macksville.”

Mrs Pavey said the signs are a first for NSW and provide motorists with an image of the town to which they are heading.

"These signs will be the first in NSW to use an image to direct motorists to our glorious regional towns across the state,” she said.

In addition to the image of Macksville, there are also service symbols on the sign indicating a hospital and 24-hour fuel as well as food and accommodation options that are available in town for motorists.

The signs are one way the government is working to ensure people continue to visit Macksville now the bypass is open.

"The northbound sign for Macksville is a temporary measure until the full upgrade opens to traffic in 2018. The signs for Berry and Holbrook will be installed in the New Year.”

"Macksville, Berry in southern NSW off the Princes Highway as well Holbrook in southern NSW off the Hume Highway were chosen as the locations for the trial program in consultation with Destination NSW.

"If the pilot is successful it will be rolled out more widely and the community will be kept informed about any other future improvements.”

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