
EPA fine for Lahey Constructions at Wiigulga Sports Complex, Woolgoolga

The company behind a major sporting complex on the Coffs Coast has been issued with another fine after an uncontrolled flow of dirty water was found running from the site.

Fly through of Woolgoolga Sports Complex

Once again, dirty water has been found running uncontrolled from the $23m Wiigulga Sports Complex construction site at Woolgoolga.

As a result, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has issued Lahey Constructions Pty Ltd with a second $15,000 fine.

Coffs Harbour City Council contracted the company to build the sports complex.

The EPA inspected the building site just north of Coffs Harbour after a small rain event on October 12 last year and found the uncontrolled flow of dirty water running from the site into stormwater drains and a natural drainage pathway that reached Woolgoolga Lake.

This breached an EPA clean-up notice direction to prevent uncontrolled flows of turbid water from the site caused by below threshold rainfall events (less than 75mm over five days).

A sod turning was held at the site in November 2020 celebrating years of hard work by the community to make the dream of a multi purpose complex for a growing region a reality.

Alastair Milroy, Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan, the previous Coffs Harbour Mayor Denise Knight and State Member Gurmesh Singh turn the first sod on the $23.1m Woolgoolga Sports Complex. Picture: Janine Watson
Alastair Milroy, Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan, the previous Coffs Harbour Mayor Denise Knight and State Member Gurmesh Singh turn the first sod on the $23.1m Woolgoolga Sports Complex. Picture: Janine Watson

It will include two indoor courts, a stage, kitchen, cafe, multipurpose rooms and amenities.

The complex will cater for AFL, cricket, basketball, netball and touch football.

The project has evolved following significant community consultation and input over a decade.

The build hit a snag in February last year when tenders all came in above budget but now work is well underway.

At the time of the previous fine in July last year, the EPA wrote to Council reminding it of its responsibility to oversee environmental controls at contracted sites.

Lahey Constructions has been contacted for comment.

Penalty notices are one of several tools the EPA can use to achieve environmental compliance, including formal warnings, licence conditions, notices and directions, mandatory audits, legally binding pollution reduction programs, enforceable undertakings and prosecutions.

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