
It's time to hang out our dirty laundry to dry

As a survivor of domestic violence Dr Angela Jay is living proof that Australia faces endemic violence in the home.

Dr Angela Jay speaks at the Dirty Laundry rally in Coffs Harbour's City Square. Picture: Trevor Veale
Dr Angela Jay speaks at the Dirty Laundry rally in Coffs Harbour's City Square. Picture: Trevor Veale

AS A survivor of domestic violence Dr Angela Jay is living proof that Australia faces endemic violence in the home.

Dr Jay narrowly escaped death three years ago and almost became part of the nation's tragic statistics showing that one woman is murdered by their partner every week.  

As a White Ribbon ambassador, Dr Jay has returned to Coffs Harbour as a guest speaker of The Coffs Coast Committee Against Domestic and Family Violence.

She spoke at the Dirty Laundry Project launch on Friday, which on a local front aims to hang violence out to dry.

"Domestic violence touches us all, either ourselves, family or friends or colleagues," Dr Jay said.

"One in four will experience violence at the hands of an intimate partner and the most dangerous place for a women is in the house - where for a man it is at the pub.

In February, an inquest was held in Coffs Harbour examining the fatal incident that saw police officers shoot and kill Dr Jay's attacker Paul Lambert at Bonville. 

Lambert was armed with a knife as he approached officers on the Pacific Highway, hours after the attack in Port Macquarie.

His police record included 10 apprehended violence orders from five separate women, including his former wife.

"In 2016, my ex-boyfriend broke into my home, stabbed me 11 times and doused me in petrol," Dr Jay said.

"Three years have passed since I narrowly escaped death- that's three extra years of life I was lucky enough to live.

"Every extra day is a gift ... every hug, every smile, every moment.

"In Australia, one woman is murdered by her intimate partner every week.

"We all know the horrible statistics, but let's look beyond the numbers.

"What could all of those women achieved with three extra years of life?

"Who would they hug?

"How many times would they smile?

"What memories would they have made?

"Ending domestic violence is about giving life to those we love.

"Will you stand with me to end DV? Will you be the voice of change?"

Over the past nine years, the Dirty Laundry Day Project has provided a voice for hundreds of victims of violence engaging businesses; community organisations; education bodies and  police.

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